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Intelligent and Adaptive Systems Research Group News

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Alexandra I. Cristea on sabbatical in November at L3S Hannover

Alexandra is exploring new collaboration ways with L3S.

The L3S is a research center for basic and applied research in the field of Web Science. The L3S researchers develop new, innovative methods and technologies that enable intelligent and seamless access to information on the Web, link individuals and communities in all aspects of the knowledge society – including science and education, and connect the Internet to the real world and its institutions.

The L3S is a research-driven institution that stands out through its significant innovations, and attracts top-class graduate and PhD students and staff members from around the world because of its cutting-edge research culture. For young scientists the L3S is encouraging, innovative, international, supportive and independent.

Questions that deal comprehensively with the challenges of the field of Web Science Research are addressed in a variety of projects. Since its inception in 2001, the L3S has brought together numerous scientists from the areas of information retrieval, databases, semantic web, performance modeling, service computing and mobile networks that challenge and actively pursue interdisciplinary research. The total research budget amounts to more than 6 million Euros annually, with a variety of projects in the areas of

  • Intelligent Access to Information
  • Next Generation Internet
  • E-Science
  • Web Governance

Lei Shi receives Best Student Paper Award at ICWL'14

In a row of successes, Lei Shi receives again an award, this time at the ICWL'14 conference in Talinn, Estonia, where he secures the Best Student Paper Award, for the paper 'Multifaceted Open Social Learner Modeling'.

Congratulations again, Lei!

Tue 26 Aug 2014, 12:41 | Tags: Conferences Educational Technology Social Systems

Alexandra I. Cristea to give keynote talk in Brasil

Alexandra will give the keynote for the DesafIE@CSBC'14 event to take place in Brasilia, capital of Brasil: