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PGR Funding Policy

As approved by the Board of Graduate Studies. Published 11 November 2021.


1.1 All postgraduate research students must abide at all times with the University rules and regulations, as set out in the University Calendar.

1.2 Funding awards are subject to fulfilment of all conditions of admission and successful completion of registration and enrolment. Continuation of all awards are subject to subsequent re-enrolment in all future academic years.

1.3 Funding is subject to students abiding by the terms of this policy for the duration of the award. Any additional terms and conditions must also be provided to and accepted by the student prior to the start of the award.

UKRI funding only: Training Grant T&Cs

1.4 Students who are sponsored on a student visa are expected to meet the conditions of their visa in addition to the conditions of their studentship at all times.