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Human Resources

Please contact the Divisional Manager for guidance on any HR matters in the first instance.


Please contact the Divisional Manager as soon as you are considering any future recruitment for guidance and support throughout the process. You will need an early code or full costcode to charge the post to.

Required training

Research Passports

The NHS has a Research Passports system in place for researchers in higher education institutions who need to undertake their research within the NHS. You will need to indicate on our recruitment form whether a research passport is needed.

Training, Development, Coaching

The Leadership and Management Development team runs courses and programmes to support you with the skills you need for your role, and for your career development.

There are specific opportunities for Research Active Staff including project management, and research impact.

Coaching and Mentoring ( Coaching is a powerful development tool which helps to develop a person’s skills and awareness so that their performance at work improves. Coaching takes place typically over 4-6 months and is carried out by a qualified coach. Opportunities to work with an internal or external coach are available. Mentoring involves a more experienced person drawing on their skills, expertise and wisdom to advise and guide a less experienced person to support their personal and professional development. Typically mentoring takes place over a longer period of time than coaching. WMS runs a mentoring scheme for academic colleagues. Mentoring at WMS (

Training available:

Reward and Benefits

Full details available on the Reward and Benefits pages.

  • Core benefits include salary progression, annual leave, and a Warwick Learning Account.
  • Healthcare plans including eye care, dental, and Bupa insurance.
  • Family friendly benefits and children's services.
  • Reduced rates for the Arts Centre, Warwick Sport, and Warwick Conferences, as well as Costco.
Honorary Association

WMS has its own process for Honorary Associations. Please contact Dolores Towers (Divisional Support Officer) for further information on 51154 or