
Driverless Vehicle Interactive Scenario Builder (beta)
The Driverless Vehicle Interactive Scenario Builder specialises in commercial vehicles, with the accompanying paper The Diffusion of Driverless Vehicles: A Case Study providing valuable context.
While not designed as a calculator for individual companies, the dashboard offers insights into the wider economic environment surrounding the adoption of driverless technology.
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London Property Prices for Sale
We gather data from the main housing websites and process it so that you can find the best area to buy a house or flat in London.
Start by entering the address you frequently visit (work, university, etc.), how much time you're willing to spend on transportation (public or private) and input your priorities. We'll filter out any areas that aren't suitable for you. (Please note that prices correspond to 2019; contact us for an updated version).
Dr Jeisson Cardenas-Rubio (Senior Research Fellow), Rosie Day (Computing Officer), Luke Bosworth (Senior Project Assistant)