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Luke Bosworth

Luke joined the IER as a Computer Officer in November 2008 and is now ‘Senior Project Assistant (Computing)’. He holds a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science. His responsibilities include accessing, collating / matching and analysing large data sets, principally in the areas of labour market information and labour market forecasting. Luke designs and develops various programs (in R, python, SPSS and STATA) to analyse and manipulate a wide variety of different data sets, including large, micro data such as the Labour Force Survey and the European Labour Force Survey. Luke has worked on a range of projects, including Working Futures, CEDEFOP ‘Pan European Forecasting Model’, LMI for All and many others. Luke has developed a particular interest in Big Data which can supplement and, in some cases, replace traditional data sources in providing LMI and forecasting. Luke also provides high-level IT support for staff, produces promotional material for the IER and disseminates the activities and findings of particular projects and programmes of work (e.g. within the ‘Communications and Engagement’ team).


  • Developing a Skills Taxonomy; with Jeisson Cardenas-Rubio, Peter Elias, Andy Dickerson, Neil Bachelor, Rosie Day, Stef Poole and Lynne Marston; Funded by the Department for Education; Project duration: March 2024 - March 2026
  • Developing a Skills Taxonomy; with Peter Elias, Jeisson Cardenas-Rubio and Joe Sakshaug; Funded by the Department for Education; Project duration: December 2022 - March 2023

Recent publications:

Luke Bosworth

Senior Project Assistant (Computing)


Institute for Employment Research
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL

Tel: +44(0)24 76 151028

l dot p dot bosworth at warwick dot ac dot uk