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Brexit briefings on employment

brexit-1491370_1280.jpgAs part of the Warwick's faculty of social sciences CREW network, IER, the Law School and the Industrial Relations Research Unit have an award from the Higher Education Innovation Fund to produce a series of Brexit Briefings on Employment. The four thematic briefings will focus on job loss and job creation; training for the unemployed; employment rights and regulation; migration and skills. Each will present key research evidence and make recommendations for the development of new policy as the UK exits the EU. Each will also have a public launch over May-July this year.

For further information, contact Professor Chris Warhurst, Dr Ania Zbyszewska or Professor Guglielmo Meardi at ier at warwick dot ac dot uk

HRM and innovation

2013_alan_brown.jpgProfessor Alan Brown was one of the editors of a Special Issue of the Human Resource Management Journal on HRM and Innovation, published in April 2017 (Volume 27, Issue 2, Pages 203-317). The issue was edited by Helen Shipton, Pawan Budhwar, Paul Sparrow and Alan Brown, and based on an ESRC seminar series on the same topic.

Shipton, H., Sparrow, P., Budhwar, P. and Brown, A. (2017). HRM and innovation: looking across levels, Human Resource Management Journal, 27(2), pp. 246-263. DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12102

Shipton, H., Budhwar, P., Sparrow, P. and Brown, A. (2017). Editorial overview: HRM and innovation - a multi-level perspective, Human Resource Management Journal, 27(2), pp. 203-208. DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12138

Tue 11 Apr 2017, 13:31 | Tags: Expertise Faculty of Social Sciences HRM

UK employment policy in a changing EU

Brexit_imageAs part of the Warwick's faculty of social sciences CREW network, IER, the Law School and the Industrial Relations Research Unit have an award from the Higher Education Innovation Fund to produce a series of Brexit Briefings on Employment. The four thematic briefings will focus on job loss and job creation; training for the unemployed; employment rights and regulation; migration and skills. Each will present key research evidence and make recommendations for the development of new policy as the UK exits the EU. Each will also have a public launch over May-July this year.

For further information, contact Professor Chris Warhurst, Dr Ania Zbyszewska or Professor Guglielmo Meardi at ier at warwick dot ac dot uk

MOOC on the changing world of work

employidlogowithborder_small.pngAre you prepared for the challenges of the changing labour market? Do you want to better understand and apply skills related to emotional awareness, active listening, reflection, coaching skills, peer coaching and powerful questioning? Do you want to explore tools for handling labour market information (LMI) and the digital agenda? The 'Changing World of Work' MOCC (Massive Open Online Course) is a 6 week course with an estimated workload of 3.5 hours per week. The course has been developed as part of the EmployID project which has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 619619. IER and Associate staff involved in course delivery: Jenny Bimrose, Alan Brown, Rachel Mulvey, Deirdre Hughes and Graham Attwell. For more information register now.

Clare Lyonette invited as an expert contributor to a French project on women in managerial roles

clare_lyonette.jpgDr Clare Lyonette is the UK expert on a new French project, funded by the ANR: 'Quel genre de managers avant 40 ans ? Faits et discours dans quatre pays européens'. She and the other team members met in Aix-en-Provence in February 2017 to discuss the research plans, based on an earlier 2015 meeting in Paris. Clare will be involved in work package 7: 'Articulation of personal and professional spheres'. The mixed-methods project involves quantitative data analysis of managerial roles and new semi-structured interviews with managers in 4 countries. The project is being coordinated by Vanessa di Paola (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, LEST, Car Céreq), Arnaud Dupray (Céreq, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, LEST), Dominique Épiphane (Céreq) and Stéphanie Moullet (Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, LEST, IRT, Car Céreq). For more information.

Mon 20 Mar 2017, 18:00 | Tags: Expertise Faculty of Social Sciences

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