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IER July Newsletter now available

The latest news, publications and events from the Institute for Employment Research at the University of Warwick can be viewed in our monthly e-newsletter - July issue now available here.

Latest IER report on Apprenticeship considers employer response to funding reforms

A new report by researchers from IER and IFF Research has been published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. The report, 'Employer Routed Funding: Employer responses to funding reform' (BIS Research Paper Number 161), explores how employers’ engagement with the apprenticeship programme would vary depending on how funding is reformed.

Measuring additionality in apprenticeships - new report by Cambridge Econometrics and IER

A new report by Cambridge Econometrics and Terence Hogarth and Lynn Gambin at the Warwick Institute for Employment Research has been published. The report, commissioned and published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) considers how the value added by government investment in Apprenticeships should be measured. The report explores how existing datasets can be used to improve understanding of additionality in apprenticeships and especially considers surveys which have become available since earlier research on this issue. Recommendations about further (cost-effective) data collection and analysis are also set out.

The full report can be downloaded from:


ESRC seminar on Building Skills at an Individual level

Professor Jenny Bimrose (IER) will be hosting the fourth Organisational Innovation ESRC seminar at the University of Warwick on 18 September. IER has organised the seminar on behalf of the Aston Business School. The seminar entitled 'Building skills at individual level: the role of workplace learning and national apprenticeships' includes a welcome from Professor Jenny Bimrose and Professor Helen Shipton (Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University). Professor Alan Brown and Dr Lynn Gambin, from IER, will be presenting alongside Professor Lorna Unwin (Institute of Education, University of London), Professor David Guile (Institute of Education, University of London), Professor Alison Fuller (University of Southampton) and Professor David Collings (Dublin City University).

This seminar will investigate how medium-sized businesses can realise the potential opportunities that modern apprenticeships offer, especially bearing in mind the Coalition Government’s intention to expand this provision, and will look at other potential sources of new skills, for example, graduate employment. For more information on the ESRC seminar series - Organizational Innovation, People Management and Sustained Performance see:

Tue 17 Sep 2013, 18:46 | Tags: apprenticeships, graduates, training, skills

IER report on the use of migrant labour published

A team at IER undertook a literature review and indepth interviews with key stakeholders on the use of migrant labour in low-skilled sectors, namely ‘construction’ and ‘accommodation and food services’, relative to other sectors of the economy. The study built on and expanded the existing evidence base focusing on the composition of the low-skilled workforce over time, a comparison of the different groups employed, and the characteristics of low-skilled sectors. The project report is now available:

Green, A., Atfield, G., Adam, D. and Staniewicz, T. (2013). Determinants of the Composition of the Workforce in Low Skilled Sectors of the UK Economy, Lot 2: Qualitative Research – Final Report. Report for Migration Advisory Committee (MAC). London: UK Borders Agency, Home Office.

Wed 03 Jul 2013, 15:24 | Tags: lowed skilled, migrants, labour market, skills

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