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Classifying vacancy data at 6-digit level SOC 2020: A feasibility study

A frequent claim from labour market information users (e.g., educational and training providers) is the lack of disaggregated data to identify the current requirements of the labour demand. This project, conducted by Dr Jeisson Cardenas-Rubio, pilots and assesses whether information from job portals can be classified according to the relatively new 6- digit UK Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) developed by the ONS. It thus opens new research avenues in assessing the possibility of organising and coding vacancy data and understanding the dynamics of the labour market at a more disaggregated level.

Thu 16 Sept 2021, 12:23 | Tags: SOC2020, vacancy

Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) - new developments

IER staff, led by Peter Elias, are currently engaged in a project funded by the Office for National Statisticsons logo, to add more detail into the next revision of the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC).

Having just completed work on the revision of SOC2010 to SOC2020, the new project will provide for a six-digit structure to the classification. The work involves a series of face-to-face meetings with interested parties, such as the NHS, Royal Society, Careers Wales, Skills Development Scotland and a wide range of government departments and agencies.

As part of this work, ONS and IER have teamed up to create an online survey available to anyone with an interest in this work. Details can be found here.

Thu 12 Sept 2019, 13:03 | Tags: Faculty of Social Sciences SOC2010 SOC2020