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Two PhD Studentships to work on ESRC-funded project CLOSING DATE EXTENDED TO 28 MAY 2014

We are looking for two enthusiastic Masters graduates with relevant interests in recent labour market history to take up fully funded ESRC PhD studentships, starting in October 2014 and attached to an ESRC research programme, Precarious pathways to employment for young people? The reseaarch will explore the dynamics of transitions from education to work in local, regional and historical contexts during previous economic recessions (specifically the 1930s and the 1980s). The areas under study are Leicester and Birmingham/Coventry: it is expected that one studentship will be allocated to each. The overall research programme involves academics from the universities of Aston, Leicester and the Open University as well as Warwick.

Wed 16 Apr 2014, 17:49 | Tags: esrc, graduates, labour market, studentship

Final ESRC seminar on careers to be hosted by Nottingham Trent University

We’d like to extend a warm invitation to the final ESRC seminar in the series on careers, which will be hosted by the Nottingham Trent University, on Wednesday, 20th June, 2012. The provisional title of the seminar is: ‘Learning from others’. Presenters will include:

  • Dr Mary McMahon, University of Queensland, Australia and Professor Mark Watson, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa – ‘Crafting Identities: Learning, Curiosity and Career Guidance’
  • Professor Vic Lally, University of Glasgow – ‘Inter-Life Project (Where Second Life Meets Real Life)’
  • Yasmina Mallam-Hassam, Global Career Company – ‘Improving international student employability’

For more information go to the IER project webpage. If you are interested in attending, please contact

Tue 15 May 2012, 18:41 | Tags: IAG, careers, esrc

Podcast from Professor Peter Elias on developing a research infrastructure

In the first of a series of podcasts about our work at the Institute for Employment Research, Professor Peter Elias talks about his work assisting the research councils in the UK with the development of a research infrastructure in the social sciences.

Fri 27 Jan 2012, 16:01 | Tags: Expertise, data sources, esrc, podcast