IER Daria Luchinskaya - Research projects
Projects at the IER
LMI for All, 2018-2021. With Sally-Anne Barnes, Jenny Bimrose, Rob Wilson, David Owen, Terence Hogarth, Jeisson Cardenas-Rubio . Funded by Department for Education. Project Start Date: 01/10/2018 - Project End Date: 30/09/2021 [details]
Job creation by organisation type - Cooperatives in selected European countries. With Chris Warhurst and Peter Dickinson. Funded by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Project Start Date: 08/01/2018 - Project End Date: 30/11/2018 [details]
Adult skills - who gets invested in and how has this changed over time? With Peter Dickinson. Funded by Social Mobility Commission. Project Start Date: 29/09/2017 - Project End Date: 03/07/2018 [details]
Post education job and career choices. With Peter Dickinson, Beate Baldauf, Wil Hunt and Alan Brown. Funded by Department for Edcuation. Project Start Date: 16/04/2018 - Project End Date: 31/07/2018 [details]
SEND and post-16 provision for employment. With Peter Dickinson. Funded by Department for Education. Project Start Date: 08/01/2018 - Project End Date: 30/06/2018 [details]
The wider (non-market) benefits of post 18 education. With Gaby Atfield, Beate Baldauf, Wil Hunt, Peter Dickinson and Alan Brown. Funded by Department for Education. Project Start Date: 16/04/18 - Project End Date: 31/07/2018. [details]
QuInnE, H2020 EURO SOCIETY 2014, Topic: EURO 2 2014. With Chris Warhurst, Sally Wright, Anne Green. Funded by: European Commission. Project Start Date: 01/07/2015 - Project End Date: 30/06/2018. [details]
Gearing Up for STEM: Skills STEM Strategy and Action Plan, Thames Valley Berkshire. With Clare Lyonette, Deirdre Hughes and Olga Siemers. Funded by Adviza. Project Start Date: 01/12/2016 - Project End Date: 31/03/2018 [details]
STEMM job classification of SOC codes. with Peter Elias. Funded by The Royal Society. Project start date: 26/01/2017 - Project end date: 24/04/2017. [details]
Diversity in the screen industries. With Mark Banks, Doris Eikhof, Jack Newsinger, Daniela Rudloff. Funded by: British Film Institute. Conducted by: CAMEo Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies, University of Leicester. Project Start Date: 01/06/2016 - Project End Date: 31/10/2016.
Biennial Teacher Workload Survey. With Nick Sofroniou and Heike Baldauf. Funded by the Department for Education. Project Start Date: 01/01/2016 - Project End Date: 31/08/2016. [detailsLink opens in a new window]
Intergenerational worklessness and fragile employment. With Anne Green. Funded by: WAG. Project Start Date: 30/11/2015 - Project End Date: 29/02/2016.
Smoothing Transitions for Employment Support Allowance (ESA) PG6a and PG6b Customers in the South West CP11 Work Programme. With Deirdre Hughes and Daria Luchinskaya, commissioned by Prospects Services, Project Start Date: 01/11/2015 - Project End Date: 30/03/2016.
Futuretrack Longitudinal Programme research team member, 2011-12
Futuretrack Longitudinal Programme - Core Study, with Kate Purcell, Peter Elias, Gaby Atfield, Heike Behle and Ritva Ellison. Funded by: HECSU. Worked on analysis of the Futuretrack Stage 4 survey design, implementation and analysis, and contributed to the Stage 4 report. Project Start Date: 01/07/2006 Project End Date: 30/04/2012. [details]Link opens in a new window
Other projects
Walmart Empowering Women Together, Research assistant, 2015
Said Business School, University of Oxford (Prof L. Scott)
Conducted literature review for women’s empowerment in the UK for ‘Walmart Empowering Women Together’ project.
Higher Education and the Recession, Research consultant, 2012-14
SKOPE, University of Oxford (Prof K. Mayhew and Dr C. Holmes, with Dr C. Tzanakou)
Research work (literature search, data search, data analysis using Stata) carried out for project, looking at changes in graduate employment and work organisation over the last twenty years. The outcomes of the project have been presentations at the Work, Employment and Society conference (University of Warwick, September 2013), and at the 34th IWPLMS conference (Trinity College Dublin, September 2013), and academic articles (forthcoming).
Women’s labour market information (WLMI), ESRC PhD Intern, 2013
Scottish Government, Employability, Skills and Lifelong Learning division (S. King and S. Munro)
Developed a web-based women’s labour market information (WLMI) resource following on from the Women’s Employment Summit, 2012. Created a database of sources of information and existing datasets about women’s employment, with a focus on Scotland, to encourage use and increase awareness of existing data, and a set of supporting guides and factsheets and other resources.
Agenda Control in European Parliaments, Research assistant, 2010-11
Hertford College, University of Oxford (Dr R. Zubek)
Collected and compiled data on parliamentary legislation in France. Organised interviews with French government officials. Interpreted, transcribed and translated interviews from French into English.
Ethnic minority pupil attainment, Research assistant, summers 2007-09
Lancaster University (Prof J. Taylor)
Analysed Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE) dataset on ethnic minority attainment in UK schools using Stata software. Preliminary results presented at the BERA 2009 conference in Manchester.