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Dr Jamelia Harris

Research interests

Jamelia's research interests include education, training and skills - particularly issues related to skills mismatch; transitions from education to work; the future of work; job quality; and fair and decent work. Jamelia is trained as an economist, and uses mixed methods in her research (including surveys, secondary data analysis, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions). Jamelia's research focuses on developing countries.

Academic profile

Jamelia joined the Institute for Employment Research as a Research Fellow in January 2023. Before joining IER, she was a Research Economist at Fiscus Ltd and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Politics and International Studies, Warwick. Jamelia has taught at various universities - including Cambridge University (UK), University College London (UK), University of Warwick (UK), Oxford University (UK), ISM University (Lithuania) and Fourah Bay College (Sierra Leone). She also worked as a researcher at the University of the West Indies (Trinidad and Tobago) and the University of Oxford.

Jamelia has gained significant policy experience in international development having worked as an economist on various projects with organisations such as the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NGRI), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Fiscus Ltd. She has extensive experience working in countries like Ethiopia, Sierra Leone and Trinidad and Tobago.

Jamelia holds a DPhil in International Development from the University of Oxford. Her doctoral research explored the economic effects of donor institutions on the labour market of developing countries - focusing on how workers and employers search in the labour market, how perceptions shape behaviour among jobseekers and the transition from education to employment. Jamelia also holds an MSc. in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a BSc. in Economics and Actuarial Science from the University of Southampton.

Current Projects:

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Current Teaching

Previous Teaching


  • Social Science Research Methods Programme, University of Cambridge: Module Director for 'Introduction to Stata' (2022-23) and 'Introduction to Mixed Methods Research' (2022-23)
  • Development Planning Unit, University College London: Module Director for 'Public Economics and Public Policy' (2020-21)
  • Economics Department ISM University (Lithuania): Module Director for 'Comparative Economics' (2020-21) and 'Development Economics' (2017-21)

  • Oxford Department for International Development, University of Oxford: TA for 'Quantitative Research Methods' (2018-20)


  • Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick: Module Director for ‘Introduction to Qualitative Methods’ (2019-20), ‘Intermediate Social Analytics: Survey Design and Data Collection’ (2019-21), and ‘Intermediate Social Analytics: Survey Analysis and Reporting’ (2019-21). Seminar Lead for ‘Political Research in the 21st Century’ (2020-21)
  • Department of Economics, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone: Module Director for 'Macroeconomic Analysis' (2012-14).

Jamelia Harris

Research Fellow

Institute for Employment Research
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL

Tel: +(44)024 76 528463
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