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Consent Information – Survey

Title of Project: What are the return propensities of Nigerian medical doctors in the UK?
Name of Researcher: Mohammed Abdullahi

Please read and complete this form carefully. If you are willing to participate in this study, please select Yes below to indicate your responses. If you do not understand anything and would like more information, please ask.

1. I confirm that I have read and understood the Participant Information Sheet. I have had the opportunity to consider the information, ask questions and have had any questions answered satisfactorily
2. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw without giving any reason. I understand that if I change my mind about participating before submitting my survey responses, my data will not be stored and will not be used as part of this study. However, I also understand that once I have submitted my survey, it will not be possible to remove my anonymous survey responses
3. I understand that all the answers provided in the survey are automatically captured and will be stored once I submit my survey
4. The procedures regarding confidentiality and pseudonymisation of data have been clearly explained to me in the Participant Information Sheet
5. I agree to selected pseudonymised responses to be used in the final thesis and understand that best endeavours will be made to ensure that data in the report are anonymised
6. I agree to selected pseudonymised text responses to be used in any other reports arising from the research, including journal articles and conference proceedings, and understand that best endeavours will be made to ensure that data in such publications is anonymised
7. The archiving of data has been explained to me. I understand that my data will be securely stored for 10 years, in line with the University of Warwick’s Research Data Management Policy:
8. I agree to take part in this survey


8. In which country did you study for your medical degree?


The questions which follow refer to your current life and work in the UK.

14. Why did you decide to leave Nigeria? (Order according to priority) Push factors
Pull factors
15. What were the three main reasons for choosing the UK? (Order according to priority)


17. In your opinion, how have you managed to adapt to life in the UK?
22. How would you compare your experience of working under the UK medical framework to that of Nigeria?
23. As time has passed, how does your experience of working in the UK compare to what you expected?

If you did not bring family members with you from Nigeria, go to question 26

24. If you brought family members with you, how do you think your family in the UK is doing after the migration?
25. Since you came to the UK, how would you rate the experiences of other members of your family finding suitable employment? (if applicable)
26. If you have children living with you in the UK, how would you rate your experiences of accessing education for your children? (if applicable)
27. How would you rate your satisfaction with your earnings?
28. Since you came to the UK, how would you rate your experiences of making friends with other people from Nigeria/with a Nigerian background?
29. Since you came to the UK, how would you rate your experiences of making friends with people from other backgrounds?


30. Overall, how do you think your family in Nigeria is doing after your migration to the UK?
31. Have you sent money home to Nigeria, while in the UK?
33. How important was this remittance for your family/friends/community in Nigeria?
34. Do you have any of the following investments in Nigeria? (Tick all that are applicable)


35. How has your mental and physical wellbeing been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?
36. Overall, how would you rate the support you received from your trust or place of work during COVID-19?


41. What is your UK citizenship status?
45. Should you return to Nigeria, where would you like to work?


50. Would any of these programmes make a difference or help in deciding to return to Nigeria?
51. What do these programmes offer?
53. If the Nigerian government could do only one thing to help doctors who wanted to return, what would it be? (required)

End of Survey

I agree that by submitting this survey, I am giving my consent for the responses to be used by the researcher

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