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Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.) (2023): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press.

Sack, D., Schulten, T., Sarter, E.K. and Böhlke, N. (2016): Öffentliche Auftragsvergabe in Deutschland. Sozial und nachhaltig? Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Sarter, E.K. (2012): Sozialpolitik zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Staatliche Regelungen im Schnittfeld von Arbeitsmarktintegration und Reproduktion in Deutschland, Frankreich und Spanien. Baden-Baden: Nomos.


Sarter, E.K. (2024): "Marketization, Regulation, and Equality: Towards an Analytical Framework for Understanding the Equality Impact of Public Procurement." Social Politics, 31(1): 1-21.

Sarter, E.K. (2024): "Public procurement and labour market inequality: Conceptualising a multi-faceted relationship." Journal of Industrial Relations, 66(1): 130-152.

Sack, D. and Sarter, E.K. (2022): "To comply or to be committed? Public procurement and labour rights in global supply chains." Global Social Policy, 22(3): 521–539.

Howells, L., Parfitt, S., Robinson, S. and Sarter, E. K. (2020): "New development: Myth or Reality: Public Sector's growing Appetite to Procure from the Third Sector." Public Money & Management, 40(2): 170-173.

Sarter, E.K. (2020): “The Development and Implementation of Gender Equality Considerations in Public Procurement in Germany.Feminist Economics. 26(3): 66-89.

Sarter, E.K. (2020): “The Power of Collaboration. Reflection on a Collaborative Approach to Teaching Research Methods in Public Administration.” Teaching Public Administration, 38 (2): 101-112.

Sarter, E.K. and Thomson, E. (2020): “Fulfilling its Promise? Strategic Public Procurement and the Impact of Equality Considerations on Employers' Behaviour in Scotland.Public Money & Management, 40(6): 437-445.

Sarter, E.K. and Karamanidou, L. (2019): “Quality, Qualifications, and the Market: Procuring Interpretation Services in the Context of the 'Refugee Crisis'.Social Policy & Administration, 53(3): 493- 507.

Sack, D. and E.K. Sarter (2018): “Collective bargaining, minimum wages, and public procurement in Germany: Regulatory adjustments to the neo-liberal drift of a coordinated market economy.Journal of Industrial Relations, 60(5): 669–690.

Sack, D. and Sarter, E.K. (2018): “Policy-Varianz durch Europäisierung? Zur Wettbewerbs- und Vergabepolitik der deutschen Länder.Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 12(4): 725–742.

Sack, D. and Sarter, E.K. (2015): “Öffentliche Aufträge und sozialpolitische Ziele.“ In: Gesellschaft. Wirtschaft. Politik, 3/2015, 369-380.

Sarter, E.K. (2015): “Contracting out of Services, European Public Procurement Law and Gender Equality in Tendering.” WAGADU. Journal of Transnational Women’s and Gender Studies, Special Issue: Women, Gender and Government Outsourcing in Comparative Perspectives 14: 3, 55-83.

Sarter, E.K. (2012): “Tradition im Wandel? Spaniens Sozialpolitik in der intensiven Familienphase.” Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, 1/2011, 43-58.

Sarter, E.K. (2012): “Travail, Famille, Patrie. Geschlechterverhältnisse unter Vichy“. Femina Politica, 2012, 41-50.

Sarter, E.K. and Gonschior, M. (2012): “Jenseits von Geschlecht und Migration. Forschungsperspektiven zu einer vernachlässigten Diversity-Dimension in Wissenschaft und Hochschule.“ Diversitas. Zeitschrift für Managing Diversity und Diversity Studies, 1/2/ 2012, 33-38.

Sarter, E.K. (2011): “Teilzeit als Armutsrisiko?“ Femina Politica, 1/2011, 119-126.

Sarter, E.K., Gonschior, M. and Nieter, K. (2011): “Lässt sich Diversity Management erlernen? Denkanstöße zur Kompetenzentwicklung an Hochschulen.” Diversitas. Zeitschrift für Managing Diversity und Diversity Studies, 3/2011, 19-25.

Book chapters

Wright, T., Conley, H. and Sarter, E.K. (2024): "Using public procurement to promote equality in employment: assessment of the evidence from Australia, South Africa and the UK." In: Forson, C., Healy, G., Öztürk, M.B. and Tatli, A. (eds.): Research Handbook on Inequalities and Work. Elgar Handbooks on Inequality. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 179-194.

Cookingham Bailey, E. and Sarter, E.K. (2023): "Introduction: Defining and understanding public services.“ In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press, 1-11.

Cookingham Bailey, E., Sarter, E.K., Booth, W., Greaux, V., Jones, S., Law, J., Phillips, D., Proedrou, F. and Read, S. (2023): "Conclusion: Current developments and the future of public services. In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press, 161-171.

Sarter, E.K. (2023): "The Challenge of Knowing: Public Procurement between Unilateral Knowledge Dissemination and Participatory Knowledge-Creation." In: Nyeck, S.N. (ed.): Gender, Vulnerability Theory and Public Procurement: Perspectives on Global Reform. Abingdon: Routledge, 12-28.

Sarter, E.K. (2023): "Öffentliche Auftragsvergabe als Geschlechterpolitik." In: Gebhardt, M., Bloemen, H., Bomert, C. and Dziuba-Kaiser, S. (eds.): Machtverhältnisse. Kritische Perspektiven auf Geschlecht und Gesellschaft. Frankfurt/ Main: Campus Verlag, 179-193.

Sarter, E.K. (2023): „Public services and the challenge of sustainability.” In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press, 103-117.  

Sarter, E.K. (2023): „Public services and the environmental crisis.” In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press, 133-146.  

Sarter, E.K. (2023): „Public services and public policies.” In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press, 15-28. 

Sarter, E.K. and Benjamin, O. (2023): “Contracted vulnerability? Job quality, service quality and public procurement of services.“ In: Nyeck, S.N. (ed.): Gender, Vulnerability Theory and Public Procurement: Perspectives on Global Reform. Abingdon: Routledge, 85-99.

Sarter, E.K., Booth, W. and Greaux, V. (2023): „Public services and equality.“ In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press, 119-132.  

Cookingham Bailey, E., Sarter, E.K., and Terry, V. (2022): "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Advocacy Work of Voluntary Sector Organisations in Wales." in: Rees, J., Macmillan, R., Dayson, C. Damm, C., and Bynner, C. (eds.) COVID-19 and the Voluntary and Community Sector in the UK. Responses, Impacts and Adaptation. Bristol: Policy Press, 118-129.

Duvvury, N., Radl, J., Sarter, E.K., Scherger, S. and Spijker, J. (2020): “Policy Toolkits on Employment and Ageing: A Conceptual Framework.” In: Ní Léime, A., Ogg, J., Rasticova, M. Street, D., Krekula, C., Bédiová, M. and Madero-Cabib, I. (eds.): Extended Working Life Policies: International Gender and Health Perspectives. Cham: Springer, 69-83.

Romeu Gordo, L. and Sarter, E.K. (2020): “Germany.” In: Ní Léime, A., Ogg, J., Rasticova, M. Street, D., Krekula, C., Bédiová, M. and Madero-Cabib, I. (eds.): Extended Working Life Policies: International Gender and Health Perspectives. Cham: Springer, 271-281.

Sack, D. and E. K. Sarter (2018): “Strategic use and social taming – Opening up the doctrine of market competition in public procurement.” In: Heinelt, H. and Münch, S. (eds.): Handbook of European Policies. Interpretive Approaches to the EU. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 371-387.

Sack, D. and Sarter, E.K. (2016): “Der Europäische Gerichtshof und die deutschen Bundesländer – Sozialpolitisierung und Rechtsunsicherheit im europäisierten Föderalismus.“ In: Rehder, B. und Schneider, I. (eds.): Gerichtsverbünde, Grundrechte und Politikfelder in Europa. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 343-366.

Sarter, E.K. (2016): “CSR, Public Spending, and the State. The Strategic Use of Public Procurement as a Lever to Foster Corporate Social Responsibility.” In: Camilleri, M. (ed.): CSR 2.0 and the New Era of Corporate Citizenship. Hershey: IGI Global, 55-75.

Sarter, E.K. and Sack, D. (2016): “Von Märkten, Konsum und einer besseren Welt. Nachhaltigkeit und Fairtrade im öffentlichen Sektor.” In: Jantke, K., Lottermoser, F., Reinhardt, J., Rothe, D., und Stöver, J. (eds.): Nachhaltiger Konsum. Institutionen, Instrumente, Initiativen. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 379-394.

Sarter, E.K. (2013): “Ladies‘ Association.“ In: Frank, L.T. (ed.) (2013): An Encyclopedia of American Women at War. From the Home Front to the Battlefields. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 347-348.

Sarter, E.K. (2012): “Frauenrolle und Frauenarbeit in Spanien: Von gottgegebener Differenz zu rechtlicher Gleichheit.“ In: Wilde, G. and Friedrich, S. (eds.): Im Blick der Disziplinen. Geschlecht und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der wissenschaftlichen Analyse. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 71-89.

Sarter, E.K. (2012): “Négligence politique ou voie spécifique? Travail et maternité dans l’aire méditérranéenne”. In: Arena, F., Cid, R. and Knibiehler, Y. (eds.): La maternité à l’épreuve du genre. Métamorphoses et permanences de la maternité dans l’aire méditerranéenne. Rennes: Les Presses de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes de Santé Publique, 197-204.

Sarter, E.K. (2011): “Tagungsbericht. La maternité à l‘épreuve du genre. Métamorphoses et permanences de la maternité dans l’aire méditerranéenne.“ GENDER. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 3/2011, 148-153.

Kahlert, H., Gonschior, M., Nieter, K. and Sarter, E.K. (2011): “Wie wichtig ist Betreuung für die Orientierung auf eine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn? Eine Analyse der Betreuungssituation von Promovierenden in der Chemie und Politikwissenschaft“. In: Boeck, G. and Lammel, N. (eds.): Kulturen des Wissens: Frauen und Wissenschaft. Rostock: Universität Rostock, 109-142.

Working Papers, Policy Briefs and Reports

Wright, T., Conley, H., Mamode, J. and Sarter, E. K. (2023): "Buying social justice through procurement: report of project findings." London: Queen Mary University of London. 

Sarter, E.K. (2019): “Public Procurement and Gender Equality.” Policy Brief for the Women’s Budget Group. London: Women’s Budget Group.

Duvvury, N., Sarter, E.K., Wijeratne, D. and Vehovec, M. (2018): “Gender, Pensions and Pension Planning.” Policy Brief of the European Cost Action IS1409 Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries. Galway: National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway.

Sarter, E.K. (2016): “Public Procurement & the Public Sector Equality Duty: Equality Sensitive Tendering in Scotland.” WiSE Working Paper No. 5. Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University.

Sarter E.K., Fuchs S., and Sack D. (2014): “SME-friendly public procurement in Germany? Legal strategies and political challenges.” Working Paper. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld. WPCG02_Sarter_Fuchs_Sack_SME_PubProcurement_Sept14.pdf.

Sarter, E.K., Sack, D. and Fuchs, S. (2014): “Public Procurement as Social Policy? An introduction to social criteria in public procurement in Germany.” Working Paper. University of Bielefeld. WPCG01_Sarter_Sack_Fuchs_Public_Procurement_Aug14.pdf.