Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.) (2023): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press.
Sack, D., Schulten, T., Sarter, E.K. and Böhlke, N. (2016): Öffentliche Auftragsvergabe in Deutschland. Sozial und nachhaltig? Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Sarter, E.K. (2012): Sozialpolitik zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Staatliche Regelungen im Schnittfeld von Arbeitsmarktintegration und Reproduktion in Deutschland, Frankreich und Spanien. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Sarter, E.K. (2024): "Marketization, Regulation, and Equality: Towards an Analytical Framework for Understanding the Equality Impact of Public Procurement." Social Politics, 31(1): 1-21.
Sarter, E.K. (2024): "Public procurement and labour market inequality: Conceptualising a multi-faceted relationship." Journal of Industrial Relations, 66(1): 130-152.
Sack, D. and Sarter, E.K. (2022): "To comply or to be committed? Public procurement and labour rights in global supply chains." Global Social Policy, 22(3): 521–539.
Howells, L., Parfitt, S., Robinson, S. and Sarter, E. K. (2020): "New development: Myth or Reality: Public Sector's growing Appetite to Procure from the Third Sector." Public Money & Management, 40(2): 170-173.
Sarter, E.K. (2020): “The Development and Implementation of Gender Equality Considerations in Public Procurement in Germany.” Feminist Economics. 26(3): 66-89.
Sarter, E.K. (2020): “The Power of Collaboration. Reflection on a Collaborative Approach to Teaching Research Methods in Public Administration.” Teaching Public Administration, 38 (2): 101-112.
Sarter, E.K. and Thomson, E. (2020): “Fulfilling its Promise? Strategic Public Procurement and the Impact of Equality Considerations on Employers' Behaviour in Scotland.” Public Money & Management, 40(6): 437-445.
Sarter, E.K. and Karamanidou, L. (2019): “Quality, Qualifications, and the Market: Procuring Interpretation Services in the Context of the 'Refugee Crisis'.” Social Policy & Administration, 53(3): 493- 507.
Sack, D. and E.K. Sarter (2018): “Collective bargaining, minimum wages, and public procurement in Germany: Regulatory adjustments to the neo-liberal drift of a coordinated market economy.” Journal of Industrial Relations, 60(5): 669–690.
Sack, D. and Sarter, E.K. (2018): “Policy-Varianz durch Europäisierung? Zur Wettbewerbs- und Vergabepolitik der deutschen Länder.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 12(4): 725–742.
Sack, D. and Sarter, E.K. (2015): “Öffentliche Aufträge und sozialpolitische Ziele.“ In: Gesellschaft. Wirtschaft. Politik, 3/2015, 369-380.
Sarter, E.K. (2015): “The Legal Framework of Contracting: Gender Equality, the Provision of Services, and European Public Procurement Law.” WAGADU. Journal of Transnational Women’s and Gender Studies, Special Issue: Women, Gender and Government Outsourcing in Comparative Perspectives 14: 3, 55-83.
Sarter, E.K. (2012): “Tradition im Wandel? Spaniens Sozialpolitik in der intensiven Familienphase.” Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, 1/2011, 43-58.
Sarter, E.K. (2012): “Travail, Famille, Patrie. Geschlechterverhältnisse unter Vichy“. Femina Politica, 2012, 41-50.
Sarter, E.K. and Gonschior, M. (2012): “Jenseits von Geschlecht und Migration. Forschungsperspektiven zu einer vernachlässigten Diversity-Dimension in Wissenschaft und Hochschule.“ Diversitas. Zeitschrift für Managing Diversity und Diversity Studies, 1/2/ 2012, 33-38.
Sarter, E.K. (2011): “Teilzeit als Armutsrisiko?“ Femina Politica, 1/2011, 119-126.
Sarter, E.K., Gonschior, M. and Nieter, K. (2011): “Lässt sich Diversity Management erlernen? Denkanstöße zur Kompetenzentwicklung an Hochschulen.” Diversitas. Zeitschrift für Managing Diversity und Diversity Studies, 3/2011, 19-25.
Book chapters
Sarter, E.K. (2024): "Öffentliche Auftragsvergabe und Geschlechtergleichstellung in den deutschen Bundesländern." In: Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung Tübingen (ed.): Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2024. Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 233- 245.
Wright, T., Conley, H. and Sarter, E.K. (2024): "Using public procurement to promote equality in employment: assessment of the evidence from Australia, South Africa and the UK." In: Forson, C., Healy, G., Öztürk, M.B. and Tatli, A. (eds.): Research Handbook on Inequalities and Work. Elgar Handbooks on Inequality. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 179-194.
Cookingham Bailey, E. and Sarter, E.K. (2023): "Introduction: Defining and understanding public services.“ In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press, 1-11.
Cookingham Bailey, E., Sarter, E.K., Booth, W., Greaux, V., Jones, S., Law, J., Phillips, D., Proedrou, F. and Read, S. (2023): "Conclusion: Current developments and the future of public services.“ In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press, 161-171.
Sarter, E.K. (2023): "The Challenge of Knowing: Public Procurement between Unilateral Knowledge Dissemination and Participatory Knowledge-Creation." In: Nyeck, S.N. (ed.): Gender, Vulnerability Theory and Public Procurement: Perspectives on Global Reform. Abingdon: Routledge, 12-28.
Sarter, E.K. (2023): "Öffentliche Auftragsvergabe als Geschlechterpolitik." In: Gebhardt, M., Bloemen, H., Bomert, C. and Dziuba-Kaiser, S. (eds.): Machtverhältnisse. Kritische Perspektiven auf Geschlecht und Gesellschaft. Frankfurt/ Main: Campus Verlag, 179-193.
Sarter, E.K. (2023): „Public services and the challenge of sustainability.” In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press, 103-117.
Sarter, E.K. (2023): „Public services and the environmental crisis.” In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press, 133-146.
Sarter, E.K. (2023): „Public services and public policies.” In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press, 15-28.
Sarter, E.K. and Benjamin, O. (2023): “Contracted vulnerability? Job quality, service quality and public procurement of services.“ In: Nyeck, S.N. (ed.): Gender, Vulnerability Theory and Public Procurement: Perspectives on Global Reform. Abingdon: Routledge, 85-99.
Sarter, E.K., Booth, W. and Greaux, V. (2023): „Public services and equality.“ In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.): Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press, 119-132.
Cookingham Bailey, E., Sarter, E.K., and Terry, V. (2022): "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Advocacy Work of Voluntary Sector Organisations in Wales." in: Rees, J., Macmillan, R., Dayson, C. Damm, C., and Bynner, C. (eds.) COVID-19 and the Voluntary and Community Sector in the UK. Responses, Impacts and Adaptation. Bristol: Policy Press, 118-129.
Duvvury, N., Radl, J., Sarter, E.K., Scherger, S. and Spijker, J. (2020): “Policy Toolkits on Employment and Ageing: A Conceptual Framework.” In: Ní Léime, A., Ogg, J., Rasticova, M. Street, D., Krekula, C., Bédiová, M. and Madero-Cabib, I. (eds.): Extended Working Life Policies: International Gender and Health Perspectives. Cham: Springer, 69-83.
Romeu Gordo, L. and Sarter, E.K. (2020): “Germany.” In: Ní Léime, A., Ogg, J., Rasticova, M. Street, D., Krekula, C., Bédiová, M. and Madero-Cabib, I. (eds.): Extended Working Life Policies: International Gender and Health Perspectives. Cham: Springer, 271-281.
Sack, D. and E. K. Sarter (2018): “Strategic use and social taming – Opening up the doctrine of market competition in public procurement.” In: Heinelt, H. and Münch, S. (eds.): Handbook of European Policies. Interpretive Approaches to the EU. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 371-387.
Sack, D. and Sarter, E.K. (2016): “Der Europäische Gerichtshof und die deutschen Bundesländer – Sozialpolitisierung und Rechtsunsicherheit im europäisierten Föderalismus.“ In: Rehder, B. und Schneider, I. (eds.): Gerichtsverbünde, Grundrechte und Politikfelder in Europa. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 343-366.
Sarter, E.K. (2016): “CSR, Public Spending, and the State. The Strategic Use of Public Procurement as a Lever to Foster Corporate Social Responsibility.” In: Camilleri, M. (ed.): CSR 2.0 and the New Era of Corporate Citizenship. Hershey: IGI Global, 55-75.
Sarter, E.K. and Sack, D. (2016): “Von Märkten, Konsum und einer besseren Welt. Nachhaltigkeit und Fairtrade im öffentlichen Sektor.” In: Jantke, K., Lottermoser, F., Reinhardt, J., Rothe, D., und Stöver, J. (eds.): Nachhaltiger Konsum. Institutionen, Instrumente, Initiativen. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 379-394.
Sarter, E.K. (2013): “Ladies‘ Association.“ In: Frank, L.T. (ed.) (2013): An Encyclopedia of American Women at War. From the Home Front to the Battlefields. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 347-348.
Sarter, E.K. (2012): “Frauenrolle und Frauenarbeit in Spanien: Von gottgegebener Differenz zu rechtlicher Gleichheit.“ In: Wilde, G. and Friedrich, S. (eds.): Im Blick der Disziplinen. Geschlecht und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der wissenschaftlichen Analyse. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 71-89.
Sarter, E.K. (2012): “Négligence politique ou voie spécifique? Travail et maternité dans l’aire méditérranéenne”. In: Arena, F., Cid, R. and Knibiehler, Y. (eds.): La maternité à l’épreuve du genre. Métamorphoses et permanences de la maternité dans l’aire méditerranéenne. Rennes: Les Presses de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes de Santé Publique, 197-204.
Sarter, E.K. (2011): “Tagungsbericht. La maternité à l‘épreuve du genre. Métamorphoses et permanences de la maternité dans l’aire méditerranéenne.“ GENDER. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 3/2011, 148-153.
Kahlert, H., Gonschior, M., Nieter, K. and Sarter, E.K. (2011): “Wie wichtig ist Betreuung für die Orientierung auf eine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn? Eine Analyse der Betreuungssituation von Promovierenden in der Chemie und Politikwissenschaft“. In: Boeck, G. and Lammel, N. (eds.): Kulturen des Wissens: Frauen und Wissenschaft. Rostock: Universität Rostock, 109-142.
Working Papers, Policy Briefs and Reports
Forde, C., Sarter, E.K., Baum, T., Dundon, T., Howcroft, D., Joyce, S., McBride, J., Shildrick, T., Stuart, M., Trappmann, V. Wilson, T. and Wright, S. (2024). Pay and conditions in gig work. Evidence Paper. ReWAGE and Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
Forde, C., Sarter, E.K., Baum, T., Dundon, T., Howcroft, D., Joyce, S., McBride, J., Shildrick, T., Stuart, M., Trappmann, V. Wilson, T. and Wright, S. (2024). Pay and conditions in gig work. Policy Brief. ReWAGE and Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
Wright, T., Conley, H., Mamode, J. and Sarter, E. K. (2023): "Buying social justice through procurement: report of project findings." London: Queen Mary University of London.
Sarter, E.K. (2019): “Public Procurement and Gender Equality.” Policy Brief for the Women’s Budget Group. London: Women’s Budget Group.
Duvvury, N., Sarter, E.K., Wijeratne, D. and Vehovec, M. (2018): “Gender, Pensions and Pension Planning.” Policy Brief of the European Cost Action IS1409 Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries. Galway: National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway.
Sarter, E.K. (2016): “Public Procurement & the Public Sector Equality Duty: Equality Sensitive Tendering in Scotland.” WiSE Working Paper No. 5. Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University.
Sarter E.K., Fuchs S., and Sack D. (2014): “SME-friendly public procurement in Germany? Legal strategies and political challenges.” Working Paper. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld.
Sarter, E.K., Sack, D. and Fuchs, S. (2014): “Public Procurement as Social Policy? An introduction to social criteria in public procurement in Germany.” Working Paper. University of Bielefeld.