IER publications 2004
Refereed journals
- Arbache, J.S., Dickerson, A. and Green, F. (2004). Assessing the Stability of the Inter-industry Wage Structure in the Face of Radical Economic Reforms. Economics Letters, 83(2), pp. 149-155.
- Arbache, J.S., Dickerson, A. and Green, F. (2004). Trade Liberalisation and Wages in Developing Countries. Economic Journal, 114(493), pp. 73-96.
- Brown, A. (2004). Educational Research: what strategies for development in the European Research Area. European Educational Research Journal, 3(4), pp. 790-794.
- Brown, A. (2004). Professionals under pressure: contextual influences on learning and development of radiographers in England. Learning in Health and Social Care, 3(4), pp. 213-222.
- Carruth, A.A., Collier, W.J. and Dickerson, A. (2004). Inter-industry Wage Differences and Individual Heterogeneity. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 66(5), pp. 811-846.
- Green, A.E. and Shuttleworth, I. (2004). Area perceptions of young people in Belfast - How to expand them!. Labour Market Bulletin 18 pp.141-7.
- Green, A.E. (2004). Is relocation redundant? Observations on the changing nature and impacts of employment-related geographical mobility. Regional Studies 38(6), pp. 629-641.
- Orton, M. and Ratcliffe, P. (2004). Race, Employment and Contract Compliance: A Way Forward For Local Authorities? Local Economy, 19(2), pp. 150-158.
- Orton, M. (2004). Irresponsible citizens? New Labour, citizenship and the case of non-payment of local taxation. Critical Social Policy, 24(4) pp. 504-525.
- Whiteside, N. (2004). ‘Historical methods for comparing pension policies’. Cross National Research Papers: European Cross National Research and Policy, 7th series, ‘The Impact of Methodological Approaches to the Study of Welfare’. Retrieved from http:///
- Bimrose, J. (2004). Lifelong Learning for Guidance. In: Reid, H. and Bimrose, J., eds. Constructing the Future: Reflection on Practice. Stourbridge: Institute of Career Guidance, pp. 1-11. ISBN 0 9030 76268
- Brown, A. and Kirpal, S. (2004). Old nurses with new qualifications are best: competing ideas about the skills that matter in nursing in Estonia, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. In: Warhurst, C., Grugulis, I. and Keep, E., eds. The skills that matter. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Brown, A., Rhodes, E. and Carter, R. (2004). Supporting learning in advanced supply systems in the automotive and aerospace industries. In: Rainbird, H., Fuller, A. and Munro, A., eds. Workplace Learning in Context. London: Routledge.
- Elias P. and Davies, R. (2004). Employer Provided Training within the European Union. In: Sofer, C., ed. Human Capital Over the Life Cycle: A European Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 137-153. ISBN 1 84376 067 3
- Keep, E. and Brown, A. (2004). Paradoxes, pitfalls and the prospects for a dynamic VET system. In: Nijhof, W. and van Esch, W., eds., Unravelling policy, power, process and performance: the formative evaluation of the Dutch adult and Vocational Education Act. Hertogenbosch: CINOP.
- Lindley, R.M. (2004). L'économie de la connaissance: le nouveau contexte du débat sur l'emploi en Europe. In: Rodrigues. M.J., ed. Vers une Société Européenne de la Connaissance: la Stratégie de Lisbonne (2000-2010). Brussels: Institue d'Etudes Européenes, Univesité de Bruxelles, pp. 95-141. ISBN 2 8004 1343 3
- Orton, M. (2004). New Labour, citizenship and responsibility: family, community and the obscuring of social relations. In: Dean, H., ed. The Ethics of Welfare: Human rights, dependency and responsibility. Bristol: The Policy Press.
- Shuttleworth, I. and Green, A. (2004) A place apart? The Northern Ireland labour market in a wider context? In: Osborne, B. and Shuttleworth, I., ed. Fair Employment in Northern Ireland: A Generation On. Belfast: Blackstaff Press, pp. 88-99. ISBN 0 85640 752 6
- Shuttleworth, I. and Green, A. (2004) Labour market change in Northern Ireland: unemployment, employment and policy?’ In: Osborne, B. and Shuttleworth, I., ed. Fair Employment in Northern Ireland: A Generation On. Belfast: Blackstaff Press, pp. 100-121. ISBN 0 85640 752 6
- Reid, H. and Bimrose, J., eds. (2004). Constructing the Future: Reflections on Practice. Stourbridge: Institute of Career Guidance. ISBN 0 9030 76268
- Whiteside, N. (2004). 'Chômage et inaptitude en Grande Bretagne de la fin du XIXe siècle aux années trente'. In C. Omnes & S. Bruno (Eds.), Les mains inutiles: inaptitude au travail et emploi en Europe (pp. 224-248). Editions Belin.
- Whiteside, N., Dreyfus, M., Kott, S., & Pigenet, M. (2004). 'The Multiple Foundations of Trade Union Organisation in Nineteenth-Century Germany, France and Britain'. In J-L. Robert, A. Prost, & C. Wrigley (Eds.), The Emergence of European Trade Unionism (pp. 215-232). Aldershot, Ashgate.
- Whiteside, N. (2004). 'Security and the working life'. In R. Salais & R. Villeneuve (Eds.), Towards a European Politics of Capabilities (pp. 157-181). Cambridge University Press.
- Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A., and Orton, M. (2004). SSC IAG Role Development: Report on Pathfinders: CITB-ConstructionSkills, e-skills UK, SEMTA and SkillsetLink opens in a new window. London/Coventry: Skills for Business and Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
- Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A., Hughes, D. and Orton, M. (2004). What is Effective Guidance? Evidence from Longitudinal Case Studies in England. Report for the Department for Education and Skills. Coventry: Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
- Davies, R. and Owen, D. (2004). Options for the 2004 MFFLink opens in a new window. Coventry: Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
- Dickerson, A.P. and Raddon, A. (2004). A Training Needs Analysis for the Skills for Business Network. Coventry: Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
- Dickerson, A.P. and Jones, P.S. (2004). Estimating the Impact of a Minimum Wage on the Labour Market Behaviour of 16 and 17 Year OldsLink opens in a new window. London: Low Pay Commission (LPC).
- Elias P. and Purcell, K. (2004). Seven Years On: Graduate Careers in a Changing Labour MarketLink opens in a new window. Manchester: Higher Education Careers Services Unit.
- Goodison T., Green A., Owen, D. and Rooney, S. (2004) ICT and Employability: A Case Study of Clients using UK online centresLink opens in a new window. London: Department for Education and Skills. (DfES Research Report RR534). ISBN 1 84478 226 3
- Green, A.E. and Sanderson, I. (2004). Employment Strategies: NDC Case StudiesLink opens in a new window. Report to the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit. Sheffield: Neighbourhood Renewal Unity, Sheffield Hallam University. (New Deal for Communities Research Report 37). ISBN 1 84387 0908
- Green A., Homenidou, K. and Wilson, R.A. (2004). Working Futures: Regional Report 2003-04. Report published by the Sector Sklls Development Agency. Wath-on-Dearne: SSDA.
- Hasluck, C. and Green, A.E. (2004). The impact of government policy on social exclusion among working age people: A review of the literature for the Social Exclusion Unit in the Breaking the Cycle series. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. ISBN 1 85112 728 3
- Hasluck, C. (2004) Targeting Services in the Individual Customer Strategy: The role of profiling. A review of research evidenceLink opens in a new window. Sheffield: Department for Work and Persions. (DWP Research report 192). [Summary availableLink opens in a new window]
- Wilson, R.A., Homenidou, K. and Dickerson, A. (2004). Working Futures: New Projections of Employment by Sector and Region: Volume 1 National Report. Wath-on-Dearne: Sector Skills Development Agency. ISBN 0 9545358 2 0
- Wilson, R.A., Homenidou, K. and Dickerson, A. (2004). Working Futures: New Projections of Employment by Sector and Region: Technical Report on Sources and Methods. Wath-on-Dearne: Sector Skills Development Agency..
- Wilson, R.A., Woolard, I. and Lee, D. (2004). Developing a National Skills Forecasting tool for South Africa. Coventry: Warwick Institute for Employment Research. Also available: Annex A, Annex B, Annex C, Annex D.
Working papers
- Brown, A. (2004). United Kingdom. In: Brown, A., ed. Participa project consortium Participation in Continuing Vocational and Training (VET): a need for a sustainable employability. A state of the art report for six European countries. Bremen: University of Bremen. (ITB Working Paper 38).