IER Publications 2005
- Whiteside, N. (2005). 'Comparing welfare states: conventions, institutions and political frameworks in France and Britain since 1945'. In J-C. Barbier & M-T. Letablier (Eds.), Politiques Sociales: enjeux épistémologiques et méthodologiques des comparaisons internationales (pp. 211-229). Laing, Brussels.
Refereed journals
- Barnes, S-A., Green, A., Orton, M. and Bimrose, J. (2005). Redressing gender inequality in employment: the national and sub-regional policy 'fit'. Local Economy, 20(2), pp. 162-175.
- Behle, H. (2005). Moderators and mediators on the mental health of young participants in active labour market programmes: Evidence from East and West Germany. International Review of Psychiatry, 17(5), pp. 337-345.
- Brown, A., Bimrose, J. and Hughes, D. (2005). Bringing Guidance Research and Practice Closer Together: The UK National Guidance Research Forum Website. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 5(2), pp. 229-240.
- Davies, R. and Pierre, G. (2005). The family gap in pay in Europe: a cross-country study. Labour Economics, 12(4), pp. 469-486.
- Green, A.E., Shuttleworth, I. and Lavery S. (2005). Young people, job search and labour markets: the example of Belfast. Urban Studies 42(2), pp. 301-324.
- Hogarth, T. and Devins, D. (2005). Employing the Unemployed: some case study evidence on the role and practice of employers. Urban Studies 42(2), pp. 245-256
- Keep, E. and Brown, A. (2005). Moving beyond discussions about paradigm shifts – creating space for multiple meanings and narratives on changing patterns of employment and careers. Career Research and Development, 13, pp.11-19.
- McQuaid, R., Green, A.E. and Danson, M. (2005). Introducing employability. Urban Studies, 42(2), pp. 191-195.
- Orton, M. and Ratcliffe, P. (2005). New Labour ambiguity or neo-liberal consistency? Racial inequality in employment and the debate about contract compliance. Journal of Social Policy 34(2), pp. 255-272.
- Orton, M. (2005). Inequality and the reform of a regressive local tax: the debate in the UK. Social Policy and Society, 4(3), pp. 1-8.
- Gibbons, S., Green, A., Gregg, P. and Machin, S. (2005). Is Britain Pulling Apart? Area Disparities in Employment, Education and Crime. In: Pearce, N. and Paxton, W., eds. Social Justice: Building a Fairer Britain. London: IPPR, Politicos, pp. 301-332. ISBN 1 84275 133 6
- Green, A.E. (2005). Employment restructuring in rural areas. In: Schmied, D., ed. Winning and Losing: The Changing Geography of Europe’s Rural Areas. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 21-33. ISBN 0 75546 4101 5
- Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A. and Brown, J. (2005).A Systematic Literature review of Research into Career-related Interventions for Higher Education. Manchester: HECSU.
- Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A., Green, A., Orton, M. and Davies, R. (2005). Ufi learndirect: Enhancement of the National Resource Service . Local Labour Market Information Feasibility StudyLink opens in a new window. Coventry: Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
- Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A. and Hughes, D. (2005). Effective Guidance One Year On: Evidence from Longitudinal Case Studies in England. Report for the Department for Education and Skills. Coventry: Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
- Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A. and Orton, M. (2005). Labour Market Information for Effective Guidance within Skillset. Coventry: Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
- Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A. and Orton, M. (2005). SSDA Project: SSC IAG Role Development - Final Report on Sector Skills CouncilsLink opens in a new window. Coventry: Institute for Employment Research.
- Brown, A., ed. (2005). Learning while working in small companies: comparative analysis of experiences drawn from England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal and SpainLink opens in a new window, SKOPE Monograph No 7., ESRC funded Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance, University of Oxford and University of Warwick.
- Elias, P. and Hogarth, T. (2005). Pregnancy discrimination at work: modelling the costs. Manchester: Equal Opportunities Commission. (EOC Working Paper Series No.39). ISBN 1 84206 161 5. [Final report by EOCLink opens in a new window]
- Hasluck, C., Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A. and McGivern, G. with White, R. and Orton, M. (2005). Evaluation of skills coaching trials and skills passports: Stage 1 Report - Early lessons from implementation and delivery. Report for Department for Work and Pensions. Coventry: Warwick Institute for Employment Research
- Hasluck, C. and Green, A.E. (2005). Workless couples and partners of benefit claimants: a review of the evidence. Sheffield: Department for Work and Pensions. (DWP Research Report 262). ISBN 1 84123 851 1
- Hughes, D., Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A., Bowes, L. and Orton, M. (2005). A Systematic Literature Review of Research into Career Development Interventions for Workforce DevelopmentLink opens in a new window. Derby: Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby. ISBN 0 901437 38 7
- Jones, P. and Elias, P. (2005). Science, Engineering and Technology and the UK's Ethnic Minority PopulationLink opens in a new window. A report for the Royal Society. London: NESTA/Royal Society.Orton, M. (2005). Property values, household income and the reform of local taxation. Report for Coventry and Warwickshire Economic Review. Coventry: Coventry City Council/Coventry and Warwickshire Learning and Skills Council/ Coventryand Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce.
- Purcell K., Elias, P., Davies, R., and Wilton, N. (2005). Northern Ireland's Graduates: the classes of '95 and '99Link opens in a new window. A report to the Department of Employment and Learning (Northern Ireland). Belfast: DELNI.
- Purcell, K., Elias, P., Davies, R. and Wilton, N. (2005). The Class of '99: A study of the early labour market experience of recent graduatesLink opens in a new window. Sheffield: Department for Education and Skills. (DfES Research Report no. 691). [Summary availableLink opens in a new window]
- Purcell, K., Elias, P., Durbin, S., Davies, R., Behle, H. and Warren, S. (2005). The employment of social science PhDs in academic and non-academic jobs: research skills and postgraduate trainingLink opens in a new window. A report prepared for the ESRC Training and Development Board. Swindon: ESRC.
- Purcell, K., Wilton, N., Davies, R., and Elias, P. (2005). Education as a Graduate Career: Entry and Exit from Teaching as a ProfessionLink opens in a new window. Sheffield: Department for Education and Skills. (DfES Research Report 690).
- Wilson, R. (2005). BIMCO/ISF Manpower Update 2005: The worldwide demand for and supply of seafarersLink opens in a new window. Coventry: BIMCO/ISF/Institute for Employment Research.
Other publications
- Barnes, S-A. and Bimrose, J. (2005). Mining the Data Field. Careers Guidance Today 13(1), pp. 22-23.
- Bimrose, J. and Barnes, S-A. (2005). ‘Effective career guidance? Evidence from longitudinal case studies. Phoenix – The AGCAS Journal, 11(Winter), pp. 46-51.
- Marris, A. and Bimrose, J. (2005). Let's talk! Supporting practice through the National Guidance Research Forum website. Newscheck, May.
- Napier, R.M., Rowley, J. and Jones, P. (2005). Reducing the Labour Burden on Horticulture. Grower, May.
- White, R.J. and Williams, C.C. (2005). Informal Volunteering and Older People. AGEToday: Research information and comment on older people's issues, Election Special, Volume 5.
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