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IER Publications 2023


Atfield, G., Baldauf, B., Owen, D., Davey, C. and Monk, L. (2023). Educational psychology services: workforce insights and school perspectives on impact. London: DfE.

Barnes, S-A., Hogarth, T., Wright, S., Baldauf, B. and Cárdenas Rubio, J. with Ragnarsdottir, H. and Elmezraoui, W. (2023). Labour market information and an assessment of its applications: a series of international case studies. London: Department for Education.

Cardenas Rubio, J., Harris, J., Warhurst, C., Day, R., and Bosworth, L. (2023). Green and Hydrogen Jobs in the Midlands. Midlands Engine.

Elias, P., Dickerson, A. and Bachelor, N. (2023). A Skills Classification for the UK. Plans for development and maintenance. Department for Education.

Erickson, E. and Herbert, B. (2023). Job quality and community well-being in Mississippi and Alabama's manufacturing facilities. Jobs to Move America.

Fernandez Macias, E., Urzi Brancati, M.C., Wright, S. and Pesole, A., (2023), The platformisation of work, EUR 31469 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, ISBN 978-92-68-01661-9, doi:10.2760/801282, JRC133016.

Knudsen, M., Caniëls, M., Dickinson, P., Hery, M., Könnölä, T. and Lotz-Sisitka, H. (2023). Futures of Green Skills and Jobs in Europe in 2050: Scenario and Policy Implications. Foresight on Demand, European Commission.

Refslund, B., Larsen, T. and Arnholtz J. (2023). Promoting Decent Work Through Public Procurement in Cleaning & Private Security Services – country report Denmark. Report as part of the DG employment financed project Procurfair - report. Uni-Europa.

Wright, T., Conley, H., Mamode, J. and Sarter, E. K. (2023). Buying social justice through procurement: report of project findings. London: Queen Mary University of London.


Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E.K. (eds.) (2023). Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press.

Book Chapters

Cookingham Bailey, E. and Sarter, E. K. (2023). Introduction: Defining and understanding public services. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 1-11. In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.) (2023) .Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction.

Sarter, E.K. (2023). The Challenge of Knowing: Public Procurement between Unilateral Knowledge Dissemination and Participatory Knowledge-Creation. In Nyeck, S.N. (ed.): Gender, Vulnerability Theory and Public Procurement: Perspectives on Global Reform. Abingdon: Routledge, 12-28.

Sarter, E. K. (2023). Public Services and the Challenge of Sustainability. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 103-117. In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.) Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction.

Sarter, E.K., Booth, W. and Greaux, V. (2023). Public Services and Equality. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 119-132. In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.) (2023) .Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction.

Sarter, E. K. (2023). Public Services and the Environmental Crisis. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 133-146. In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.) (2023) .Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction.

Cookingham Bailey, E., Sarter, E.K., Booth, W., Greaux, V., Jones, S., Law, J., Phillips, D., Proedrou, F. and Read, S. (2023). Conclusion. Current Developments and the Future of Public Services. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 161-171. In: Sarter, E.K. and Cookingham Bailey, E. (eds.) (2023) .Understanding Public Services. A Contemporary Introduction.

Sarter, E.K. (2023). Öffentliche Auftragsvergabe als Geschlechterpolitik. Gebhardt, M., Bloemen, H.,
Bomert, C. and Dziuba-Kaiser, S. (Eds.): Machtverhältnisse. Kritische Perspektiven auf Geschlecht und Gesellschaft. Frankfurt/ Main: Campus Verlag, pp. 179-193.

Warhurst, C., Hall, R. and Van Den Broek, D. (2023). Legislating Against Lookism in Australia. In: Broadbridge, A. (Ed.) (2023) The Emerald Handbook of Appearance in the Workplace. Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp.233-248. ISBN: 978-1-80071-175-4 (Print) ISBN: 978-1-80071-174-7 (Online).

Wright, S. and Barnes, S-A. with Behrend, C., Kohlgrüber, M. and Götting, M. (2023). ‘Interacting Skills: High road strategies for companies for digital transformation’. In: P. Oeij, V. Kirov and E. Pomares (eds). The practical side of digital transformation: A tool book for practitioners. Sofia: Prof Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Science (BAS) (Ch 6. pp.99-113).


Anelli, G. (2023). But which skills? : Natural Language Processing tools and the identification of high-demand skills in online job advertisements. Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation, Volume 17, Issue 2, 17:2, pp. 91-104.

Balogh, R., De Moortel, D., Gadeyne, S., Vanderleyden, J., Warhurst, C.& Vanroelen, C.(2023). Employment quality, past unemployment, mental health and wellbeing in the UK (conference abstract). European Journal of Public
Health, 33 (Issue Supplement_2).

De la Porte, C. and Larsen, T. (2023). The Nordic Model: Capable of Responding to the Social Side of Crises and Sustaining Social Investment? Intereconomics 58(5):245-248.

Matilla-Santander, N., Matthews, A. A., Gunn, V., Muntaner, C., Kreshpaj, B., Wegman, D. H., Sánchez-Martinez, N., Hernando-Rodriguez, J. C, Albin, M., Balogh, R., et al. (2023). Causal effect of shifting from precarious to standard employment on all cause mortality in Sweden: An emulation of a target trial. J Epidemiol Community Health, 77(11), 736-743.

Kettunen, J., Barnes, S-A., Bimrose, J., Brown, A., & Vuorinen, R. (2023). Career experts' conceptions of systems development in lifelong guidance. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.

Larsen, T. and Ilsoe, A. (2023). Flexicurity on the future labour market: contractual flexibility and increased inequality. Oekonomi & Politik 96 (3):61-82. DJOEF Publishing.

Lawson, A. and Harris, J. (2023). Is the problem driven iterative adaptation approach (PDIA) a panacea for public financial management reform? Evidence from six African countries. World Development Perspectives.

Harris, J. (2023). Estimating the Size of the Target Population in Data Limited Setting. Field Methods.

Harris, J. (2023). Do development initiatives in Sierra Leone contribute to (dis)connections in the Education-Training-Work-Continuum? NORRAG Special Issue 08, pp.94-97, Geneva: NORRAG.

Harris, J. (2023). Exploring donor-driven skills development as a channel of continued aid dependency, Third World Quarterly.

Harris, J. (2023). Occupational Preferences of Skilled Workers in the Presence of a Large Development Sector. 
Journal of Development Studies, 59:3, 342-359.

Hunt, W., Baldauf, B. and Lyonette, C. (2023). Horses for Courses: Subject Differences in the Chances of Securing Different Types of Graduate Jobs in the UK. Journal of Social Policy, 1–21.

Sarter, E.K. (2023). Public procurement and labour market inequality: Conceptualising a multifaceted relationship. Journal of Industrial Relations, online first.

Yang, J., Warhurst, C. and Li, Y. (2023). The approach to and challenges in measuring innovation in China.
European Journal of Workplace Innovation, 8(1), 85-104.

Policy Brief

Warhurst, C. and Dhondt, S. (2023). Making Industry 5.0 Happen: Concept, Policy and Practice. Policy Brief #8.

Labour Market Projections

Wilson, R., Bui, H., Bosworth, D., Bosworth, L., Cardenas-Rubio, J., Day, R., Lin, X., Patel, S., Seymour, D and Thoung, C. (2023). Labour market and skills projections: 2020 to 2035: national projections, regional projections, mayoral combined authorities projections, local skills improvement plan areas projections, local enterprise partnerships areas projections. 


Harris, J. (2023) Declining real wages and why we need to think about the income-health relationship.

Harris, J. (2023) Observing World Youth Skills Day: Reflections from research in Sierra Leone.

Cookingham Bailey, E. and Sarter, E.K. (2023). How can public services face a changing world? Transforming Society.

Balogh, R. (2023) World Mental Health Day: Highlighting the role of job quality

Cardenas-Rubio, J. and Anelli-Lopez, G. (2023) From Automation to Adaptation: Jobs at Risk of Exposure to AI in the UK.

Lee, Sangwoo (2023) Time to broaden the definition of graduates’ labour market outcomes: Job quality premium.