IER Publications 2024
Bimrose, J,. McMahon, M., & Watson, M. (2024). Women and career development. In G.B. Stead & M.B. Watson (Eds.), Career Psychology in the South African Context. Pretoria, South Africa: Van Schaik.(4th ed., pp. 185-199).
Dickinson, P., Erickson, E., and Warhurst, C. (2024). Maximising productivity through managing new technology: The Productivity Institute.
Erickson, E., Atfield, G., Balogh, R., Harris, J., and Warhurst, C. (2024). Building a business case for good jobs: The links between Good Work and innovation, productivity and employee health/wellbeing. (Evidence paper). ReWAGE and Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
Erickson, E., Atfield, G., Balogh, R., Harris, J., and Warhurst, C. (2024). Building a business case for good jobs: Links between Good Work and innovation, productivity and employee health/wellbeing (Policy Brief). ReWAGE and Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
Erickson, E., and Warhurst, C. (2024). Building a business case for good jobs: Links between Good Work and innovation, productivity and employee health/wellbeing (Case Studies). ReWAGE and Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
Erickson, E., Fourage, D., Hogarth, T., Markowitsch, J., Nyen, T., Unterweger, D. and Wessling, K. (2024). Skills2Capabilities Policy Brief.
Forde, C., Sarter, E.K., Baum, T., Dundon, T., Howcroft, D., Joyce, S., McBride, J., Shildrick, T., Stuart, M., Trappmann, V. Wilson, T. and Wright, S. (2024). Pay and conditions in gig work. Evidence Paper. ReWAGE and Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
Forde, C., Sarter, E.K., Baum, T., Dundon, T., Howcroft, D., Joyce, S., McBride, J., Shildrick, T., Stuart, M., Trappmann, V. Wilson, T. and Wright, S. (2024). Pay and conditions in gig work. Policy Brief. ReWAGE and Warwick Institute for Employment Research.
Hogarth, T., Raileanu I-C, Pagnini, C., Dente, G. (2024). Maximising the impact of EU initiatives on skills : Is the EU's skills policy prepared for future labour market shifts? European Parliament.
Kobayashi, C., Warner, P. and Dickinson, P. (2024). Spelling it out, making it count. AELP.
Larsen, T. P., Ilsoe, A. and Haldrup, C. (2024). Algorithmic management and employee involvement- A Company Perspective: The Danish country report.
Oeij, P. , Lenaerts, K., Dhondt, S., Van Dijk, W. , Schartinger, D. , Sorko, S.R., and Warhurst, C. (2024). A Conceptual Framework for Workforce Skills for Industry 5.0: Implications for Research, Policy and Practice. Journal of Innovation Management, 12(1):205-233.
Taylor, P. (2024). Essential capabilities for managing an aged care workforce. Australian Association of Gerontology Melbourne.
Yong, A. & Lee, S. (2024). The socioeconomic gap in the development of Korean adolescents occupational aspirations while approaching the post-secondary transition. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
Baltina, L. and Hogarth, T. (eds.) (2024). Re-thinking Europe’s Skill Needs: Reflections following the European Year of Skills. Rome, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, Quaderni Series No.67.
Earl, C. and Taylor, P. (2024). Research Handbook of Inequalities in Later Life. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham.
Hughes, D. and Eduarda Duarte, M. (eds) (2024) Decent Work, Inclusion and Sustainability. London: Routledge.
Book chapters
Dickinson, P. and Hogarth, T. (2024). Apprenticeships and the varieties of capitalism: the liberal market economy case of England. In: Baltina, L. and Hogarth, T. (eds.) (2024) Re-thinking Europe’s Skill Needs: Reflections following the European Year of Skills. Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, pp 220 -234.
Forson, C., Healy, G., Öztürk, M.B. and Tatli, A. (eds.) (2024): Research Handbook on Inequalities and Work. Elgar Handbooks on Inequality. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 179-194.
Hogarth, T. and Baltina, L. (2024). What is a green job or a green skill? Reflections on measures to assess the impact of the green transition on human capital development. In: Baltina, L. and Hogarth, T. (eds.) (2024) Re-thinking Europe’s Skill Needs: Reflections following the European Year of Skills. Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, pp. 90-108.
Sarter, E.K. (2024). Öffentliche Auftragsvergabe und Geschlechtergleichstellung in den deutschen Bundesländern.
Jahrbuch des Föderalismus. in: Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung Tübingen (ed.): Jahrbuch des Foederalismus 2024. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 233- 245.
Haldrup, C., Ilsoe, A. and Larsen, T. P. (2024). With or without algorithms: managing the self-employed in the Danish
platform economy. Research Handbook on Self-Employment and Public Policy/ Editors: Wieteke Conen & Enrico Reuter, Edward Elgar.
Taylor, P., Baldauf, B., Halvorsen, C. & Pearman, G. (2024). Self-employment and older workers in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic: seniorpreneurs, senior precarious or somewhere in between?, In Conen, W. & Reuter, E. (eds), Handbook on self-employment and public policy, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Wright, T., Conley, H. and Sarter, E.K. (2024). Using public procurement to promote equality in employment: assessment of the evidence from Australia, South Africa and the UK.
Balogh, R., De Moortel, D., Gadeyne, S., Vanderleyden, J., Warhurst, C. and Vanroelen, C. (2024). Is it the Past or the Present? Employment Quality, Unemployment History, Psychological Distress and Mental Wellbeing in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services. London, SAGE.
Beck, V., Warren, T., and Lyonette, C. (2024). Is Any Job Better Than No Job? Utilising Jahoda's Latent Deprivation Theory to Reconceptualise Underemployment. Work, Employment and Society, 0(0).
Green, F. and Lee, S. (2024). ‘Bad Jobs’ in Europe: Derivation and Analysis of a Wellbeing-Related Job Quality Threshold. Applied Research in Quality of Life (in press).
Green, F. and Lee, S. (2024). Job Quality in South Korea: Progress or Decline? International Labor Review
(in press).
Green, F., Lee, S., Zou, M., and Zhou, Y. (2024). Work and life: the relative importance of job quality for general well-being, and implications for social surveys. Socio-Economic Review. Oxford Academics.
Ilsøe, A., Larsen, T. P., Trygstad, S., Ryan, L., Nergaard, K., & McMahon, J. (2024). Permanently marginalized? Securing living hours among part-time workers in hotels and restaurants in Northern Europe. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 0(0), online first.
Im Jie, Z., Larsen, T. and Pircher, B. (2024). European Social Dialogues: Shaping EU Social Policy through Parental Leave Rights. ILR review, online first. Sage Journals.
Larsen, T. P and Ilsøe, A. (2024) Workers with few hours - who secures their social rights - the role of social - dialogue and collective bargaining. European Journal of Industrial Relations, special issue November 2024 (4).
Warhurst, C. (2024). Media Review: Between Conflict and Collegiality: Palestinian Arabs and Jews in the Israeli workplace. Organisation Studies. London, Sage.
Warren, T., Torres, L., Lyonette, C., and Tarlo, R. (2024). Class, gender and the work of working-class women amid turbulent times. British Journal of Sociology. 1–18.
Attwell, G. (2024) What are Green Jobs? (for LMI for ALL)
Attwell, G. (2024) Skills intelligence and labour market information (for LMI for All)
Erickson, E. and Warhurst, C. (2024) Good jobs can help grow the economy
Hogarth, T. (2024) The colours of the economy.
Larsen, T. (2024) A lost opportunity for the UK?
Lee, S. (2024) Appropriately defining and targeting 'bad jobs' as a pathway to 'good jobs'
Conference papers
Owen, D. and Green, A. (2024). Geographical and socio-economic patterns of under-employment in the West Midlands, UK. Annual Conference of Regional Studies Association. Florence, RSA.