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CAAI inventory

The overall purpose of the research study was to explore the feasibility of modifying the language of the psychometrically validated Career Adapt-Ability Inventory for the UK (CAAI UK) in partnership CABA with a view to offering it as part of a membership offer to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). The inventory was validated in 2013 with a representative sample of students in higher education, with confirmatory factor analysis supporting the validity of the model and strong correlations with a number of related factors demonstrating good convergent validity for the instrument. Before, however, using it as the basis of intervention by CABA for the membership of ICAEW, it was necessary to investigate the extent to which the perceptions and understandings of the concepts central to the currently validated version of the CAAI UK are relevant to the membership of above named professional bodies for the accountancy profession. In this context, career adapt-ability is defined as:

The capability of an individual to make a series of successful transitions where the labour market, organisation of work and underlying occupational and organisational knowledge bases may be subject to considerable change.

Bimrose, J., Brown, A., Barnes, S-A. and Hughes, D. (2011) 'The role of career adaptability in skills supply', Wath-upon-Dearne, London: UK Commission for Employment and Skills, Evidence report 35.

Project Team:

Jenny Bimrose - Principal Investigator
Alan Brown

Project partner:

Gill Frigerio - Centre for Lifelong Learning (University of Warwick)

Project Duration:

October 2015 - September 2016

Project Funder:

