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Digital skills and inclusion research working group evidence briefs

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The IER was commissioned by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to conduct an evidence review and produce an evidence brief to support the work of the Digital Skills and Inclusion Research Working Group. The Group was convened by the DCMS to support policy making and the implementation of the digital skills and inclusion chapter of the UK Digital Strategy.

The aim of the evidence brief was to collate the evidence as comprehensively and systematically as possible to address the policy question:

‘What digital skills do adults need to succeed in the workplace now and in the next ten years?’

The evidence brief included a list of the type of general digital skills required in workplaces now and until 2030, taking into account the impact of automation and other trends in the labour market.

Project Team:

Erika Kispeter (Principal Investigator)

Sally-Anne Barnes

Project Duration:

August 2018 - February 2019

