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Literature review: employer decision-making around skill/employee shortages and migration

This project is undertaking a comprehensive literature review of the existing academic and other literature on employers’ decision-making around the use of migration and migrant workers as a strategy to overcome recruitment difficulties and skill shortages. It is being undertaken in collaboration with City-REDI, University of BirminghamLink opens in a new window.

The particular focus of the research is on intermediate-level occupations, in which workers are have educational qualifications of RQF3 to RQF5. The project will assess the quantity of available evidence and report on this to the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC)

The output from this project will be used by the MAC in reviewing the Shortage Occupation List (SOL). It will also inform the design of a forthcoming qualitative research project with employers to be undertaken by the MAC.

Project Team:

David Owen (Principal Investigator)

Gaby Atfield

Beate Baldauf

Erika Kispeter

Project Duration:

01 June 2020 - 31 July 2020


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