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Understanding Population Trends and Processes Evaluation

The Institute for Employment Research at The University of Warwick has been commissioned by the Economic and Social Research Council to undertake an evaluation of the Understanding Population Trends and Processes (UPTAP) Initiative. This will review the outputs of the Initiative and assess how well its objectives were achieved. The evaluation will be completed in early 2011. The questionnaire is designed to explore the experience of people who worked on grants (as Principal or Co-Investigator or other staff) funded under UPTAP and to ascertain their views about how their projects contributed to the aims and objectives of the ESRC UPTAP initiative. The Initiative's aims were to:

- build capacity in secondary data analysis;

- promote the use of large-scale social science data sets, both qualitative and quantitative;

- improve our understanding of demographic trends and processes which affect society and the population; and

- collaborate and communicate with user groups and policy-making individuals and organisations.

These aims were translated into the following principal objectives:

- build capacity in secondary data analysis amongst new and mid-career researchers- spread knowledge and use of secondary analysis through and beyond the social science community;

- add value to the ESRC investments in the collection, preservation and promotion of large-scale national data sets by encouraging their use and exploitation; and

- in the longer term, to maximize the knowledge gained about economic and social change from secondary data analysis.

To access the questionnaire, please click here.












For further information, please contact David Owen, Principal Research Fellow on 024 76 524259 or

Gaby Atfield, Research Associate on 024 76 150419 or

Faye Padfield, Project Assistant on 024 76 524127.