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Major Group 5: Service Workers and Shop and Market Sales Workers

51  Personal and protective services workers
    511 Travel attendants and related workers
        5111    Travel attendants and travel stewards
        5112    Transport conductors
        5113    Travel guides

    512 Housekeeping and restaurant services workers
        5121    Housekeepers and related workers
        5122    Cooks
        5123    Waiters, waitresses and bartenders

    513 Personal care and related workers1
        5131    Child-care workers
        5132    Institution-based personal care workers
        5133    Home-based personal care workers
        5139    Personal care and related workers not elsewhere classified

    514 Other personal services workers
        5141    Hairdressers, barbers, beauticians and related workers
        5142    Companions and valets
        5143    Undertakers and embalmers
        5149    Other personal services workers not elsewhere classified    
    516 Protective services workers
        5161    Fire-fighters
        5162    Police officers
        5163    Prison guards
        5169    Protective services workers not elsewhere classified

Definitional notes:

Service workers and shop and market sales workers provide personal and protective services related to travel, housekeeping, personal care, or protection against fire, unlawful acts, or they pose as models for artistic creation and display, or demonstrate and sell goods in wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments, as at well as stalls and on markets. Most occupations in this major group require skills at the second ISCO level (ILO, 1990; p.143).

Minor group 515 (Astrologers, fortune tellers and related workers) in ISCO-88 is not separately identified; such occupations should be classified to unit group 5149 (Other personal services workers not elsewhere classified).

1. Personal care and related workers perform simple tasks to assist medical, nursing, midwifery and dental professionals or associate professionals in their dutires. They may also attend to the personal needs and provide care for persons in need of such care. Where no distinction can be made between 'institution-based' care (unit group 5132) and 'home-based' care (unit group 5133), all such personal care workers should be allocated to unit group 5130 (Personal care and related workers, nothing otherwise specified).

52  Models, salespersons and demonstrators
    521 Fashion and other models
        5210    Fashion and other models

    522 Shop, stall and market salespersons and demonstrators1
        5220    Shop, stall and market salespersons and demonstrators

Definitional notes:

See definitional notes to major group 5 (Service Workers and Shop and Market Sales Workers)

1. No distinction is made between shop, stall and market salespersons.


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