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Labour market information and an assessment of its applications ? A series of international case studies

Many countries over recent years have invested in their labour market information system (LMIS) to serve an array of policy interests and support a range of stakeholders and users. LMIS bring together various available data on labour market demand and supply, particularly on skills, and make these data available to different stakeholders. The Department for Education commissioned IER to undertake research to explore seven international examples of LMIS.
A case study approach was adopted to provide a comprehensive overview of seven LMIS, with an eighth case study drawing together practice around using big data. The overall aim was to explore international LMIS to investigate practice around gathering, processing, analysing and disseminating labour market intelligence (LMI), and how it is used to identify skills supply and demand – and mismatches – in both the present and future. The research critically analysed the evidence, using an analytical framework developed for this study, to determine the infrastructures and factors that contribute to the LMIS, and the strengths and weaknesses of the LMIS, as well as identify lessons, principles and ideas relevant to the England context. The research will also provide insights into how LMI is used by different actors and stakeholders within these international contexts, as well as the important contextual factors impacting the LMIS.

Project Team:

Sally-Anne Barnes (Principal Investigator)

Terence Hogarth

Sally Wright

Beate Baldauf

Jeisson Cardenas-Rubio

Wafaa Elmezraoui

Hrafnhildur Ragnarsdottir

Project Duration:

February - July 2022


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