Desk-based research into engagement with the public sector equality duty by listed bodies in Wales
The purpose of this project is to provide information to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) about how listed bodies in Wales engage with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). This information will support the Commission’s policy and compliance work.
The research is divided into two lots, with Lot 1 focusing on Strategic Equality Plans published by maintained secondary schools, special schools and Pupil Referral Units. In particular, the research team will analyse Strategic Equality Plans (SEPs) published by these institutions and gather information on how the following topics are covered in SEPs:
- tackling disproportionate impact of the pandemic on lost learning;
- the impact of changes to awarding qualifications during the pandemic;
- embedding equality and human rights in implementing the new curriculum;
- tackling discrimination (e.g., in exclusions);
- recording, monitoring and reporting the use of restraint.
Lot 2 focuses on the equality objectives and actions published by all other listed bodies in Wales, including Fire and Rescue Services, NHS Boards and Trusts, Higher and Further Education institutions, Local Authorities, National Parks, as well as bodies supported by the Welsh Government. In particular, the analysis will explore how the following topics, all of which are related to equality in a changing workplace, are covered:
- employment rate and pay gaps for different protected characteristic groups and groups at the intersection of protected characteristics, e.g., age/gender;
- apprenticeships and skills opportunities for under-represented groups;
- equality in investment, procurement and economic renewal;
- fair work - ensuring future workplaces are fair and inclusive to improve opportunity for all;
- barriers to paid work faced by pregnant women and new mothers, carers who work, disabled people and ethnic minorities given impact of the pandemic through adopting a holistic approach and/or include positive action;
- ensuring that the use of Artificial intelligence (AI) in employment practices does not bias decision-making or breach human rights.
Project Team:
Erika Kispeter(Principal Investigator)
Stef Poole
Project Duration:
February - March 2022