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UK Prosperity Fund- Skills for Prosperity Programme Kenya

Leonard Cheshire - the international pan-disability charity – is leading a programme that will provide technical assistance, which draws on UK expertise, to improve the quality, relevance, equity and cost-effectiveness of higher education (HE) and technical and vocational education and training (TVET). The programme is funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.Link opens in a new window

The programme will facilitate increased access for marginalised young people, young people with disabilities, and women. This will enable them to improve their skills, subsequently leading to increased employment rates amongst these groups. The programme will also support the use of technology in the education system to enable remote learning.

The Warwick Institute for Employment Research (IER) is part of the consortium led by Leonard Cheshire. It will provide assistance in developing labour market information to support decision making relating to HE and TVET.

Project Team:

Terence HogarthLink opens in a new window (Principal Investigator)

Chris Warhurst 

Sally-Anne Barnes

Project Duration:

01 January 2021 - 31 March 2023


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