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UK veterans from ethnic minority backgrounds

The Office for Veterans' AffairsLink opens in a new window has commissioned IER to explore the lived experiences of UK veterans from ethnic minority backgrounds. The project will provide an opportunity for veterans from ethnic minority backgrounds to make their experiences, needs and aspirations known to those who can provide support and bring about the changes necessary to ensure that veterans are not disadvantaged either by their Service or by their ethnic background.

The research involves a survey of ethnic minority veterans from across the UK and follow-up interviews with veterans to discuss issues in more depth. We hope to learn more about how ethnic minority veterans experience the transition to civilian life; how they find employment or further education, access housing and manage their finances. We would like to understand the physical and mental health of ethnic minority veterans and how improvements can be made to enable veterans to engage in their local communities, build relationships and combat social isolation. We will also be talking to those who provide services for veterans to learn from their experience of what works and the challenges they face in providing high quality support. The research also involves an evidence review and an analysis of the Census of Population 2021.

The findings of the research will be used to put the voices of ethnic minority veterans at the heart of decision-making about the information and services they need, ensuring that support is appropriate and accessible to veterans of all backgrounds.

A letter of support from Dr Nikil Pater at the Office for Veterans' Affairs can be found hereLink opens in a new window

Project Team:

Gaby Atfield (Principal Investigator)

Beate Baldauf

Emily Erickson

David Owen

Andreana Glendinning

Project Duration:

April 2022 - February 2023


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