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Improving UK job quality data

The UK and other governments internationally want to build back better work following the Covid pandemic. Along with Leeds University, IER hosts ReWAGE, an independent expert advisory group modelled on SAGE, which supports the government’s strategic response to the recovery and renewal of work and employment in the UK as it tackles the impact of Covid-19. Core funding is provided by the ESRC. ReWAGE produces evidence papers and policy briefs through a series of expert sub-groups.

Through funding provided by the Policy Support Fund of Warwick University, a sub-group has been formed to investigate methods to derive information on job quality from large scale national data sources in the UK. The sub-group is convened by Professor Peter Elias of IER. It has a steering group chaired by Matthew Taylor and comprising researchers from a number of UK universities and research centres along with the ONS and CIPD. The work of the sub-group will be completed in late spring 2022.

The fund is administered by Warwick University’s Research & Impact Services.