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Can a woman ever consent to her own murder? Expert comment on the Grace Millane verdict

During the Grace Millane murder trial, the defendant attempted to introduce ‘rough sex’ or ‘sex game gone wrong’ as a defence. Dr Laura Lammasniemi from Warwick Law School explains why efforts to use this defence are troublesome from a legal perspective.

Fri 22 Nov 2019, 15:14 | Tags: Expert comment, Policy, Research, Law, Faculty of Social Science, Gender

Professor Azrini Wahidin comments on recent prison policy announcements

The Government has announced plans to create 10,000 new prison places and to crack down on criminal activity behind bars. Professor Azrini Wahidin questions whether these measures will be effective.

"We are sleepwalking into another era of US domination" - Professor Mark Skilton comments on the need to regulate FB

"We need to be very careful when Facebook is 'recommending' more regulation on partitioning personal data for privacy and the issues of fake news" - Professor Mark Skilton of WBS comments on Sir Nick Clegg's call for online companies to be given help to police the content they carry.

Tobacco giant Philip Morris funds anti-smoking ad - expert comment

Opinion is divided on today's Philip Morris 4-page advert encouraging smokers to quit. Genuine intervention, or attempt to get round UK advertising laws? Dr Oyinlola Oyebode from Warwick Medical School comments.

Divisions in the EU over the migrant issue.

As six EU countries agree to take in over 200 migrants stranded off Malta Dr Felicita Tramontana agrues that the deal further underlines divisions in the EU over the migrant issue.

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