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Celebrating 75 years of the Crop Centre’s pioneering agriculture research

The University of Warwick is celebrating 75 years of plant science research at its internationally recognised Crop Centre – the UK’s leading research facility for vegetable growers.

Helping plants and bacteria work together reduces fertiliser need

Helping to promote the natural relationship between plants and bacteria could reduce reliance on environmentally damaging fertilisers, a study has found.

Using photosynthesis for Martian occupation – while making space travel more sustainable

Researchers are working on sustainable technology to harvest solar power in space – which could supplement life support systems on the Moon and Mars.

Can super-speedy plant cells feed a growing population?

New research will investigate whether specialised plant “train tracks” that move molecules in cells could help feed the growing population.

Wed 22 Mar 2023, 09:25 | Tags: cell biology, farming, Life Sciences, Plants, School of Life Sciences

Pint of Science returns bringing Warwick scientists out of the lab and into your living room

The public science festival, Pint of Science, kicks off next week with experts from the University of Warwick talking about their research live in your living room.

Identified: A mechanism that protects plant fertility from stress

As Temperatures rise due to global warming the need to protect plants from stressful conditions has increased, as stress can cause a loss in yield and cause further impact economically. A consortium led by the University of Warwick have successfully identified two proteins that protect crops from stress, which is key in safeguarding food production.

Mon 01 Mar 2021, 10:08 | Tags: Evolution, Plants, School of Life Sciences, Sciences, climate change

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