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Breaking down the barriers to employment for military spouses and partners

Nearly one in five military spouses or partners want to work but can’t get a job because of the unique challenges presented by military life, according to a new study by the University of Warwick’s Institute for Employment Research and QinetiQ for the Army Families Federation.

Warwick and Leicester researchers help map the route to a highly skilled digital future for museums

Research from the University of Warwick and the University of Leicester, being launched today in Vancouver, will help to transform the ways UK museums use digital technologies to share their collections and engage new audiences with their work.

Degrees of Advantage: A new longer-term investigation of the careers of UK graduates

The University of Warwick has been awarded funding for an 18-month project to extend its research into the experiences of graduates in the UK labour market. With funding from the Nuffield Foundation, Warwick’s Institute of Employment Research will revisit its unique Futuretrack study with a fifth survey wave, investigating the employment situations of students almost ten years after their graduation.

Sexual harassment of girls is widespread in schools, researchers find

A new study carried out by University of Warwick’s Institute for Employment research for the NEU teaching union and campaign group UK Feminista has found that over a third of girls at mixed-sex schools in England and Wales have been sexually harrassed while at school.

Turning back the clock? Employment rights after Brexit

Over the last 20 years, the UK has become a leader in creating an employment culture that promotes work-family balance and assists working parents. The fourth Warwick Brexit Briefing on Employment examines how Brexit may risk a return to parents and carers becoming trapped in flexible jobs with fewer rights than full-time, permanent workers, and see men and women returning to entrenched gender roles.


Thu 07 Dec 2017, 10:48 | Tags: gender, Brexit, Institute for Employment Research, women, research, work, Law

Mind the Gap - how will skills training be funded after Brexit?

The University of Warwick has published the third in a series of briefings exploring the implications of Brexit for the job market, workers’ rights, and employment policy. Skills training for vulnerable workers: effects of the loss of EU funding after Brexit outlines how current skills training in the UK is supported by EU funding, and recommends key priorities for a post-Brexit UK-funded skills programme. The paper is the third of four Warwick Brexit Briefings on Employment by the University of Warwick and its Connecting Research on Employment and Work (CREW) network.

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