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3D printing helps carve out Christmas treat

A Coventry firm has turned to 3D engineering experts from WMG, at the University of Warwick, to help create a new range of unique biscuit treats – Mug Huggers – that sit on the side of a mug.

Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:43 | Tags: University of Warwick, Coventry

Santa’s workshop could be on snowy moon

Santa’s winter workshop might be in space, as University of Warwick researchers are exploring whether snowy moons over a billion kilometres away from Earth are potentially habitable.

How the Pope’s rhino drowned and was immortalised in art history

The story of one of the most infamous gifts, and one of the most influential images in art history, has been brought back to life thanks to research at the University of Warwick – that of the rhino, named Ganda, gifted to Pope Leo X that drowned in 1515.

Fri 15 Dec 2017, 10:30 | Tags: University of Warwick, History, Arts

More electronic materials opened up with new metal-organic framework

More materials for electronic applications could be identified, thanks to the discovery of a new metal-organic framework (MOF) that displays electrical semiconduction with a record high photoresponsivity, by a global research collaboration involving the University of Warwick.

Drug discovery could accelerate hugely with Machine Learning

Drug discovery could be significantly accelerated thanks to a new high precision machine-learning model, developed by an international collaboration of researchers, including the University of Warwick.

Depression’s causal mechanisms identified with new method

People with major depressive disorder have alterations in the activity and connectivity of brain systems underlying reward and memory, according to a new study by the University of Warwick.

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