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Decision Research at Warwick (DR@W)

Decision Research at Warwick (DR@W) focuses on empirical, theoretical and data-driven research into decision making.
DR@W is a GRP funded interdisciplinary collaboration, comprising researchers drawn from departments across the University of Warwick.

About us

Decision Research at Warwick (DR@W) is an interdisciplinary collaboration, funded by the University of Warwick Behaviour, Brain and Society Global Research Priority. Our world-leading researchers use experimental, modelling and data science approaches to investigate all aspects of human decision making and their implications for individuals, groups and wider society. For more information, please contact

Our people

The DR@W group collaborates across the University of Warwick with researchers based within Warwick Business SchoolLink opens in a new window and the Departments of PsychologyLink opens in a new window, EconomicsLink opens in a new window and Statistics Link opens in a new window.

DR@W ForumLink opens in a new window

The DR@W Forum will continue as an online seminar series for the 2020/21 academic year.
The DR@W Forum is a weekly seminar series for the presentation and discussion of research findings and theoretical concepts in decision making science and policy. We place an emphasis on new and unpublished work, aiming for a lively and discursive session. We meet every Thursday during term time between 14:15 and 15:45. To suggest a speaker for a future event please contact To receive email reminders about the forum and other events, join the GRP BBS mailing list hereLink opens in a new window.

Experimenter ResourcesLink opens in a new window

These pages are a resource for University of Warwick DR@W researchers and participants and for anyone who wishes to run experiments in the laboratories of the participating departments. Sign-in to apply for ethical approval, SONA researcher and participant accounts and learn about our laboratory facilities.