As of Autumn/Winter 2022, the GRP is seeking applications for funds of up to £500. The application form is available here.
Applications are considered on a rolling basis; we aim to respond to all applications within two weeks of submission.
To be notified of new or upcoming calls, join our mailing list.
We are able to offer funding to activities that fall under our themes and are particularly keen to support cross-departmental and collaborative projects. We welcome applications from all Warwick researchers, including undergraduates and graduates.
Eligible types of activity include but are not limited to:
- Visiting scholars
- Workshops or other events
- Visits to archives for research
- Outreach activities or exhibitions
- Seed funding to help develop a project into something suitable for an external grant
- URSS summer projects
We are also sometimes able to offer match funding for activities related to:
- Global Challenges Research fund
- Industrial Strategy Development Fund
- Strategic Priorities Fund
If you have any further questions, please contact our administrator:
Additional Internal Funding Opportunities
For more information please visit Research and Impact ServicesLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
External Funding Opportunities
- Research Professional - Funding resource where you can search for and save funding opportunities as well as set-up funding alerts. View saved funding opportunitiesLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
- Browse funding opportunities and news from Research Councils UK and other key funders.
- Horizon 2020 - find out about EU funding opportunities for your research or innovation project.
- Researchers with caring responsibilities: Research Council support
In addition, support for translational research and research impact is available, specifically via the following externally funded programmes:
- BBSRC Flexible Talent Mobility Account
- EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account
- ESRC Impact Acceleration Account
- Wellcome Trust – Warwick Translational Partnership
Researchers that are interested in applying for funds in any of these impact programmes should contact their departmental R&IS Research Impact Manager in the first instance.
Student Funding Opportunities
The following sources of funding are also available at Warwick: