UKRI: Future Leaders Fellowships: round 7
This scheme is for early career researchers and innovators who are either:
We are offering funding to support ambitious research or innovation programmes across UKRI’s remit.
You must be based at, and have the support of, an eligible academic or non-academic institution.
There is no minimum or maximum award value.
Your project can last for up to four years, with the option to apply to renew for a further three years.
AHSN Funding Newsletter November 2021
Welcome to November's AHSN Funding Newsletter. This bulletin alerts you to funding opportunities, international opportunities, events and other relevant AHSN news. For each opportunity we have provided a brief summary and a link to full details.
International Partnership Fund
The fund aims to strengthen or initiate exchange between Warwick researchers/educators and their counterparts from leading international universities or institutes by enabling them to jointly undertake preliminary research, organize meetings, conferences, or workshops.
New fund for research collaboration with Monash University
The Monash Warwick Alliance welcomes expressions of interest in the Alliance Co-Fund. Designed to empower Monash and Warwick researchers to develop strong and competitive joint external funding applications, the Co-Fund provides a contribution towards international research costs, incurred due to collaboration within the Alliance. The Co-Fund can be requested in support of a variety of external funding opportunities including challenge-led calls and responsive mode grants, offered by both domestic or international funders.
Expressions of Interest will be accepted and evaluated on a rolling basis, subject to availability of funds. The outcome of the Expressions of Interest will typically be communicated within two to four weeks of receipt by the Alliance Project Team.
Three funds now open to support International collaboration
The International Strategy and Relations Team is welcoming applications to three funds that initiate new projects or strengthen existing collaborations with our international partners.
Funding call - ISCF Healthy Ageing Challenge Social, Behavioural & Design Research Programme Outline Stage
This is a two-stage call. Outline proposals must be submitted via UKRI’s Joint electronic Submissions (Je-S) system by 16:00 on 7 July 2020. Proposals will then be assessed by a Panel and shortlisted applicants will be notified of their success and invited to submit a full proposal. See full commissioning timetable for more information. Proposals must be led by an academic who is based at an eligible UK research organisation.
BBSRC ECR funding opportunities to work with industry partners
The BBSRC Flexible Talent Mobility Account held by the University of Warwick and WISB has funding available to support 1-2 further Innovation Fellowships. Up to six months of funding is available to support independent, industry-focussed research projects from the BBSRC community at Warwick and WISB. The projects can pump-prime the establishment of new academia-industry interactions or further develop existing collaborations. It is expected that the projects will include an exchange with the industry partner; the placements may be 100% with the industry partner, or a blend of experience and knowledge exchange split between the industry partner and Warwick, although a minimum of 50% of the time must be with the industry partner. Applicants should have an industry partner as part of the application and a clear work programme. Applicants are required to submit a short application form, CV, and letter from a referee. Deadline - Friday 24 April 2020 although applicants are advised that limited funds are available and the scheme will close once the funding is allocated.
Small seed funding is also available for Early Career Researchers to establish their own contacts and relationships with industry. Examples of potential activities include enabling visits to understand industry’s needs and challenges, to discuss future collaborations; to support attendance at industry events or training and development opportunities to develop commercial and translational skills. Up to £1,000 is available and applications can be submitted at any time.
The proposed activity must fall within the BBSRC remit and be aligned to the Industrial Strategy. This funding is linked to the National Productivity Investment Fund/Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund and the Rutherford Fund. Funding must be spent by March 2021.
Interested applicants should speak with Katie Irgin ( R&IS) to check fit to scheme and available budget.
Visit for more information.
Covid-19 guidance: Remote working projects that have a strong knowledge exchange focus with an industry partner are particularly welcome. Delayed start dates are also available but projects must complete by March 2021 – no further delay is possible due to funder rules
Applicants are strongly advised to contact Warwick Ventures before submission and participate in available Warwick Ventures-led training.
Feel Connected, Get Creative - Coventry Creates - Funding opportunity
The University Partnership is pleased to announce funding of up to £2,000 per project to commission a range of artistic works that can be shared digitally.
WMAHSN - October 2019
Latest news, event and funding information from the West Midlands Academic Health Science Network.
Transforming the UK food system for healthy people and a healthy environment - Funding Call and Workshops
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) will shortly announce a call for research to fundamentally transform the UK food system, by placing healthy people and a healthy natural environment at its centre. Proposals will be invited for interdisciplinary consortia to take a food systems approach, linking healthy and accessible diets with sustainable food production and supply to help drive food system transformation.
This challenge will require collaboration across multiple disciplines and across multiple stakeholders, for example government, industry and civil society. This programme will address health, environmental and social challenges simultaneously, and will bring together researchers and stakeholders to provide evidence for multi-pronged and simultaneous action across the food system.
Announcement of Call will be launched in the coming weeks.
Two workshops will be held to communicate more details about the research call and facilitate networking.
Manchester (city centre) Monday 21st October
London (central) Friday 25th October
Attendance at these workshops is limited therefore to find out more and to express your interest in attending see here.