Echo360 Analytics
Understanding and analysing the data available in Echo360 to support learning.
Echo360 Automated Transcripts and Closed Captions
Automated Transcripts and Closed Captions
Edit Echo360 content
Echo360 provides a basic video editing function, allowing you to make cuts and trims to video content directly through the web browser.
Reuse Echo360 content
Reuse Echo360 content from other modules or previous academic years.
Schedule a lecture capture
This guide explains the process and prerequisites for requesting a lecture capture to be scheduled via the online booking form.
Teaching modes in Lecture Capture-enabled rooms
Understand how the available room equipment affects what teaching modes are available in Lecture Capture-enabled rooms
Upload external media to Echo360
Upload external media to Echo360 via the Lecture Capture Block
Use a lecture capture camera
How to make effective use of the lecture capture camera in different types of teaching rooms.
Use collections to share recordings
Collections are designed to be collaborative spaces where specific people (members) are brought together to view, post, or otherwise work with the media in the collection.
Video assignments via Moodle
How to set up a Moodle assignment to accept video submissions from Echo360
Echo360 Accessibility
Echo360 Accessibility statement
Introduction to Echo360
The University Lecture Capture system, Echo360, enables you to record teaching activities and make the videos available online for students to use for review and revision.
Getting started with Echo360 Lecture Capture
There are three steps to getting started with Echo360 for lecture capture - Submit a consent form, schedule your recordings and deliver your session.
Lecture Capture-enabled spaces
Check if a room has Echo360 Lecture Capture - all AV-supported locally and centrally timetabled areas have information on the equipment, the capacity of the room and a 360 degree image of the space.
Access and manage Echo360 content
Once a schedule has been created, you will be able to see all recordings that have been recorded and those scheduled in the future via the Echo30 block in Moodle.
Share Echo360 content
After completing a scheduled lecture capture session the content can be accessed by staff and students through Moodle via the Lecture Capture block for the given course.
Getting started with Universal Capture (Personal)
Universal Capture is an application that can be installed on a managed or personal computer and which is used as a capture device for recording lectures and other activities.