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Caring Responsibilities

The following sites and organisations provide information and advice about your rights and help with finding opportunities if you have any caring responsibilities.

The Government has put in place a ‘Happy to talk flexible working’ strapline which employers can add to their job descriptions to promote flexible working so look out for these when applying for jobs.

The Government is aiming to lead by example on this initiative so Government departments could be worth looking into for flexible working opportunities. Universities, larger organisations and the public sector can also sometimes have more flexible working arrangements on offer which could help juggle a career and caring responsibilities.

2010 Equality Act for Carers

Information from People First on your legal rights as a carer.

Equality Act

Carers UK

Website supporting Carers which provides help and advice for careers.

Further Support and Advice

Carers UK - starting work or getting back into employment

Recognising your skills and advice for approaching the job market.

Carers Support Centre

Advice and support for Carers .

Carers Trust

Support for Carers.

Employers for Carers

Website providing advice around supporting Carers at work.

Happy to Talk Flexible Working

Information on the ‘Happy to talk flexible working’ strapline for flexible working job adverts. Website is aimed at working families with useful information for carers.

Timewise Jobs

Flexible and part time roles and advice for Carers.