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Career destinations

Researching the destinations of other PhD graduates from your subject and considering overall destination trends for the Warwick Postgraduate Research community may help you to get an idea of the options available to you.

Using Destinations Data

If researcher destinations data is not available, you can use the data to look at undergraduate destinations, as this will show trends in sectors which are popular with your subject discipline.

Researcher Career Paths

To help you research the wide range of career possibilities open to you:

  • Read the careers stories written by some of our PhD alumni.
  • Attend relevant careers events
  • An Academic Career developed by the University of Manchester Careers Service is an award winning online resource helping you to explore if an academic career is for you.
  • Explore a variety of job areas at our sector events.
  • Check out departmental alumni resources - many departments host information on their graduates on their departmental websites and some arrange alumni speaker events.
  • Look at Vitae resources.