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Adam Feuer

Adam Feuer profile picture

What degree course did you study and when did you graduate?

MEng Computer Science (2020)

Why did you choose that particular degree course?

From an early age I had always felt that Software Engineering was the path for me. The ability to code and create solutions to problems always was something that I enjoyed and came naturally to me. I have always been fascinated by exploring new technologies and working in a software company allows this.

Tell us about your employer, your role and what attracted you to them

I work for a company called MathWorks who make MATLAB and Simulink, two powerful tools relied on by engineers, scientists and researchers from diverse industries. Our software enables users to solve complex mathematical problems, design algorithms, and test and simulate many of the products we rely on every day.

I started in the Engineering Development Group (EDG) which is MathWork’s graduate program. This program allows you to explore the company, get to know the products we provide and find the team which is the best fit for you. This is achieved through you taking on a customer facing support role, introducing you to many different areas and toolboxes that MathWorks provide. Alongside this you undertake projects with different teams to find which one suits you best, eventually moving into an open position in that team.

When I discovered the graduate scheme at MathWorks, it immediately caught my attention due to the widespread use and reputation of MATLAB in the industry. The program offered a diverse range of roles, allowing me to gain exposure to various aspects of a software company. At the time, I was uncertain about which area of software development suited me best, and this program provided an ideal platform to acquire new skills and discover the team I wanted to move into.

What are the key skills you learnt at Warwick that have helped you with your career to date?

My computer science degree played a pivotal role in preparing me for my career in a software company. Beyond coding expertise, it instilled in me essential skills in project management, collaboration, and problem-solving all of which I use on a daily basis.

What has been your greatest career challenge to date and how did your experience and skills help overcome it?

I have undertaken a variety of challenging projects during my career, but one stands out in particular. I was tasked with creating an automated test to verify that we correctly handle proxy settings when downloading a file from the web.

Drawing on MATLAB knowledge and previous experience with relevant technologies, I was able to design and implement a viable solution. I utilised a new approach to create an environment in which only software correctly using the proxy could access the file. This type of testing was novel for us, so it was fantastic to explore new areas and discover how it worked.

What top tips would you give to students looking for a career in your market sector?

Firstly I would say gaining hands on experience is so important, working at a company is a real world is very different to your degree and gaining that experience through internships will be a great learning opportunity for you. I would also say developing good communication and collaboration skills is so helpful as teamwork and effective communication are essential in the software industry and doing these well will help you greatly when you start working.

What do you know now that you wish you had known when you were applying for jobs?

Both the value of internships in how they can provide valuable industry experience and also a way into a company. Be as confident as you can and if you don’t know the answer to a question it’s okay! Don’t panic!