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Akshay Maheshwari

Akshay Maheshwari profile photo

What degree course did you study and when did you graduate?

Full time MBA - graduated in 2010.

What is your current role?

Partner, B R Maheswari & Co LLP, Chartered Accountant.

Tell us about your career story since graduating from Warwick

As part of my MBA, I had taken an extension went on an exchange quarter to Booth school of business, Chicago. While in Chicago, I interviewed with a bunch of Investment Banks, and was lucky enough to get a job with an Investment Bank in Mumbai, India (this was just after Lehmann, and i-banks were not hiring much!).

After working for 2 years there, I shifted base back to my hometown of New Delhi and joined the Chartered Accountancy firm that my grandfather had founded in 1954. Over the last decade, I have grown within and with the firm and currently lead the same.

How has your time at Warwick helped you during your career?

I wanted 2 things from my MBA:

  1. An immediate career shift to Investment Banking - which I did manage, albeit with a mid-tier Bank, and not a Goldman / Merrill Lynch which I had hoped for.
  2. Entrepreneurship skills to one day lead my family business - which I would say I am reasonably happy with. Classes like Entrepreneurial Finance definitely helped, but in retrospect, my choice of electives could have been better – for example, I did not realise how important Change Management would be to my journey.

What ambitions do you have for the future?

Now that I am leading a business, my single-minded focus is on growth. From an old and respected business, I am looking to pivot to a young, dynamic and fast paced business.

What advice do you have for Warwick graduates who would like to work in your sector?

If you are looking at Investment Banking – focus on developing your marketing skills. Finance / Quant is actually a very small part of M&A professional’s job. If you’re looking at Entrepreneurship - gain as much experience you can on others’ dime. But ultimately, you will never be completely ready – take the plunge when your gut tells you the time is right.

What 3 top tips would you give to students looking to find a graduate role in the UK or elsewhere in the world?

  1. Relationships – the importance of developing relationships cannot be overstated. Develop personal connects with people in every aspect of your life.
  2. Be aggressive in going after what you want. No one will hand you anything on a plate
  3. Self-doubt is what kills promising careers – do whatever it takes to build your confidence in yourself, and whatever you are selling!