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Kate Jones: Psychology - Montezuma's Chocolate

Kate Jones profile picture

What degree course did you study and when did you graduate?

Psychology 2018

Why did you choose that particular degree course?

I grew up with Psychology being a part of everyday conversation as my Mum is a psychotherapist. From a young age I knew it was something that fascinated me and I loved seeing how people were motivated.

I had no hesitations about doing a psychology degree but whilst part of me thought I would take a more clinical route after a growing part of me knew Marketing was right up my street. As the course went on my passion from behaviour change grew and putting this into action into a role in Marketing seemed like a great idea.

Tell us about your employer

Montezuma's Chocolate - we sell delicious and ethical chocolate that is all produced in West Sussex.

We were the first company to have a range made in entirely recyclable, compostable or biodegradable packaging and champion a 'Business Done Properly' philosophy.

Our customer base is predominantly UK based as we have 7 of our own high street stores, stocked in supermarkets and many other premium retailers. We also sell internationally to trade customers across Europe, America, Australia and beyond.

What was the position you were recruited for. Please briefly outline the position you were recruited to within your organisation and summarise the business needs and role you fulfil

I initially came in as Marketing Assistant to assist the Marketing Director in everything from researching industry insights, supporting with the running of campaigns and writing copy. My love for events and background in this previously meant I quickly took on extra responsibility within running trade shows, festivals and event set ups too.

What attracted you to this position?

Obviously working for a chocolate factory is everyone's dream and the role seemed almost to good to be true as it was on my doorstep too! I had only previously had one marketing role to this and wanted to develop my skills across the board so I was excited to take on a new challenge and get stuck into such a varied role.

I also strong believe that my marketing results are so much better when I have a true passion for the product and genuinely love it organically. Growing up within the county Montezuma's was founded I was already a big fan.

What are the key skills you learnt at Warwick that have helped you with your career to date?

I believe that Warwick set me up on an excellent path to any professional career.

I felt a level of confidence coming out of the course that meant I was ready for a challenge and excited to through myself into something. My course gave me great experience sticking to strict deadlines in both independent and group work which is a skill needed in any workplace.

What has been your greatest career challenge to date and how did your experience and skills help overcome it?

My biggest project to date at Montezuma's was managing the running of a 42 night long activation at Kew Gardens. This involved managing a team of 12 people remotely and setting them up to be able to make and sell up to 300 cups of hot chocolate made from a temporary unit.

The logistics, running and marketing of this was a big challenge to handle and pushed me to put all of my skills to use at once in a highly pressured situation. Adding on the last minute need to incorporate COVID restrictions within this only made it more difficult.

My time management and forward planning that I learnt within my degree equipped me to come into the event as prepared as possible and ready to take on any last minute changes. Working in a team environment across numerous jobs also equipped me with skills on how to manage the team and make sure they felt equipped to deal with customers and any issues that arose independently.

What top tips would you give to students looking for a career in your market sector?

Reach out to companies who fit with your personal values and be proactive in getting some work experience. This will show you what sector of marketing or even what industry you would prefer to get a role in.

What do you know now that you wish you had known when you were applying for jobs?

Searching for a job is a very tiring process and to get an application right you need to give it plenty of time and care, This will pay off and recruiters will absolute take note of the effort!

You will have knock backs and you may not find your dream job immediately but keep positive and don't give up!