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Remi Trovo

Remi Trovo profile picture

What degree course did you study and when did you graduate

Politics & International Studies (2022).

Tell us a bit about your career story since graduating from Warwick

After gaining a first-class honours degree in Politics and International Studies at Warwick, I obtained an MA in Law with distinction from the University of Law. Following this, I passed the Bar Practice Course (BPC) with an overall grade of “Very Competent.” At present, I am applying to be called to the Bar of England and Wales while also training as a mediator.

How has your time at Warwick helped you during your career?

Besides providing me with a sound academic foundation, my time at Warwick allowed me to develop skills such as public speaking, time management and researching new topics. It also provided me with lots of opportunities for professional networking.

What ambitions do you have for the future?

My first goal is to be called to the Bar of England and Wales. After this, I hope to obtain pupillage and become fully qualified as a barrister in England and Wales.

What advice do you have for Warwick graduates who would like to work in your sector?

As well as being able to deal with demanding workloads and situations that are constantly changing; you need to be certain that you are motivated by a genuine desire to help others before you decide to embark on a career in the legal sector. This is because the legal profession is an altruistic one.

A career in law is fascinating and ultimately very rewarding. It presents new challenges every day and those who work in the legal sector often make a huge difference to people’s lives. The law is a demanding profession, but it is a great privilege to be part of.

What 3 top tips would you give to students looking to find a graduate role in the UK or elsewhere in the world?

  1. Be proactive and explore as many opportunities as you can.
  2. Do not be disheartened by rejection.
  3. Always ask for help if you need it.