With effect from 1 October 2019. Last reviewed 02 July 2024.
Please read the policy in full prior to submitting a request for paid sick leave.
This policy relates to the payment of stipends and subsequent funded extension during periods of absence from study due to ill health that are covered by medical certification.
This policy applies to full-time and part-time research students who receive a maintenance stipend funded by the University of Warwick, a UK Research Council or the Leverhulme Trust.
Research students who are also members of staff of the university should follow the appropriate HR policy for staff.
Eligible students may claim paid sick leave for periods for up to 91* calendar days (13 weeks) in any rolling 12-month period following the policy as described.
During paid sick leave, students will receive stipend payments at their current rate from their current source of funding. University of Warwick and UKRI funded students' funding period will also be extended by the same length as the absence.
Entitlement to paid sick leave applies from the point of initial enrolment, until the end of the funding period.
Absences that are not covered by a medical certificate are not eligible for paid sick leave.
Students experiencing short-term, self-limiting illnesses which are not covered by medical certificates, should not apply for paid sick leave. Their usual stipend payments will continue as normal and no funded extension will be provided.
*UKRI funded students may claim up to 196 calendar days (28 weeks) in any rolling 12-month period if they are ill with Covid or a Covid-related condition including shielding.
Student Eligibility Criteria
Full-time and part-time research students who receive a monthly maintenance stipend funded by the University of Warwick or a UK Research Council are entitled to receive stipend payments during a period of sick leave.
Full-time and part-time postgraduate taught students who are funded by a UK Research Council Training Grant are also entitled to receive stipend payments during a period of sick leave.
Full-time and part-time postgraduate taught students who are funded by the Leverhulme Trust are also entitled to receive stipend payments during a period of sick leave.
Research students who receive a funded stipend from an external organisation or an external award administered through the University of Warwick must follow the regulations of their funder. If the funder does not provide additional money to fund periods of sick leave, the University is not liable to provide any payment.
Students in receipt of awards covering tuition fees only are not eligible to receive any payment during periods of sick leave.
Students in unfunded periods of study are not eligible to receive additional stipend payments due to sick leave.
Part-time or part-funded students should expect to receive any payments to which they are entitled on a pro-rata basis.
How to Claim Paid Sick Leave
Eligible students who wish to claim paid sick leave for a period where they were unable to study due to ill health must complete a Sick Pay Form and provide the University with appropriate medical certification.
Students must always inform their academic supervisor, department/CDT/DTP and any external partners of any period of absence. This is in addition to completing the Sick Pay Form.
Requests for sick pay may be made retrospectively, by up to 28 calendar days (four weeks).
Medical certification must originate from a medical professional or service, identify the student by name, be signed (electronic signatures are accepted), be in English, must state that the identified student is unfit to work or study, cover the entire duration of the period of sick leave and must explicitly state the start date and duration of the absence. Accepted medical certification includes:
A fully completed and signed NHS Fit Note Med 3 form,
A fully completed and signed Warwick Medical Certificate,
A signed letter on headed paper from a relevant medical professional.
Where an absence specifically relates to a disability that has been formally disclosed to the University via Disability Services, submission of additional medical certification is not required. Requests for paid sick leave that relate to a disclosed disability will be considered in conjunction with any Reasonable Adjustments already in place through Disability Services. Absences that are unrelated to a disclosed disability will require medical certification as described.
Extensions to a period of sick leave will be paid on the provision of a new Sick Pay Form with additional medical certification up to a maximum of 91* calendar days (13 weeks) in a rolling 12-month period.
Periods of sick leave beyond 91* calendar days (13 weeks) in a 12-month period will be unfunded.
*UKRI only:the maximum claim for a UKRI funded student with a covid-related illness is 196 calendar days (28 weeks) in any rolling 12-month period.
Periods of sick leave of up to 28 continuous calendar days (four weeks) do not require a formal Temporary Withdrawal.
If a period of sick leave is 29 calendar days (four weeks) or longer, the student must apply for Temporary Withdrawal (Health) via Student Records Online covering the entire absence period, complete with all medical evidence. This is in addition to completing the Sick Pay Form. If a Temporary Withdrawal (Health) Request is not submitted, the funded extension period will be capped at 28 days and subsequent stipend payments may cease or be recalled.
Students who request a Temporary Withdrawal without submitting a completed Sick Pay Form will have stipend payments stopped and any overpayments recalled.
If the student holds a visa, absences of 9 continuous days or longer will require an Authorised Absence. Please refer to the "Student Visa" tab for further Information.
Phased Return
Students returning to study from long term (29 calendar days or more (+4 weeks)) sick leave can request a phased return over a maximum of 28 calendar days (4 weeks). Full-time students should consider with their doctor and supervisors, whether a change in mode of attendance to part-time is more appropriate for their needs.
A phased return will provide stipend at the student’s usual rate, including paid sick leave for the days taken as absence, and a subsequent funded extension of equivalent length to the days taken as absence. For example, a full-time student engaging at a part time rate (60%) over 4 weeks will receive 8 additional days of paid sick leave and an equivalent funded extension.
To request a paid phased return to study, please submit a new sick pay form including:
A signed medical certificate stating that a phased return to study is required
A brief phased return statement, written in consultation with your supervisor, including the number of days to be taken as absence.
The start and end of the phased return to study period (up to a maximum of 4 weeks)
Paid sick leave for phased return is not counted towards the 12 month rolling maximum.
Student Visas and ATAS Clearance
In all cases, advice should be sought from the Student Visa Advice Service as early as possible to ensure compliance with the student visa is maintained.
Where a student is sponsored by the University under a UKVI Student Visa, they will require a period of Authorised Absence if the absence is 8 continuous days or longer. Usually up to 42 calendar days of authorised absence within a single 12 month period will be permitted, though longer periods of absence can be considered upon exceptional request. Authorised Absences can be granted without a formal Temporary Withdrawal. An Authorised Absence does not automatically grant an extension to registration - should an extension to registration be required, a period of Academic Extension must be requested.
If a Student Visa holder requires a formal temporary withdrawal, the University may need to withdraw sponsorship and for the student return to their home country for the duration of the withdrawal. In such cases, the student will thereafter need to apply to the University for a new CAS number in order to apply for a new visa to resume their studies.
All requests for authorised absence or temporary withdrawal must be made at the earliest opportunity to permit time for approval of the request and to ensure travel home can be made following the report of the suspension to the UKVI.
Students who require ATAS clearance will need to re-apply for an ATAS certificate following period of temporary withdrawal before resuming study.
Up to 28 calendar days (0-4 weeks)
Student notifies their academic supervisor / department