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Monash Warwick Alliance PhD Travel Grant- Guidance


The Monash Warwick Alliance PhD Travel Grant is a fantastic opportunity to connect with academics and fellow research students across the globe, expand your network, generate and share new ideas, and enhance your professional and personal development.

This short-term travel grant scheme aims to help build research connections between Monash and Warwick, as well as enhance and bring international dimension to your own research project, without requiring a long-term commitment to studying abroad. This could include accessing facilities or resources not available at your home institution, participating in research workshops e.g. to prepare a co-publication, or presenting your research at a conference.

Eligibility Criteria

  • You must be currently enrolled on a PhD course;
  • You must have successfully completed your Confirmation Milestone (Monash) / upgrade (warwick);
  • You are yet to submit your thesis for examination;
  • You must remain enrolled for the duration of the travel period;
  • Maximum duration is 10 weeks;
  • All travel must be within 12 months of the application submission deadline (refer to Important Dates section below)
  • You must have the support of your main supervisor and host supervisor;
  • You must not have previously received this grant;
  • (Monash students only) must be based at Monash at the time of application; and
  • Monash Malaysia-based students are ineligible at the present time.

If you are unsuccessful in an application round but are still eligible, you may re-apply in future rounds.

Travel Grant Value & Eligible Costs

  • Monash PhD students will receive $6,000 (AUD);
  • Warwick PhD students will receive £3,000 (GBP);
  • Funds awarded may be used for reasonable travel expenses in accordance with each university’s finance policies and procedures:

Important Dates - Awards for 2024/2025 will be announced soon and new dates will be confirmed and updated.

Application and Travel Process

  1. Warwick PhD students speak with their supervisor to identify a host supervisor at Monash and plan the visit.
  2. The Monash host supervisor must complete a Visitor Request in REX in accordance with the University Visitors Procedure.
  3. Monash HR will assess the request and provide a formal invitation letter which will include relevant details on the appropriate visa.
  4. Students apply for the Monash Warwick Alliance PhD Travel Grant via the Application Form, once they have an offer from Monash HR.
  5. Successful applicants will be allocated an internal order code within their Department, against which all expenditure should be recorded.
  6. Students are responsible for obtaining the necessary visa, health insurance, vaccinations, and any associated costs.
  7. Upon completion of the trip, a Travel Report must be submitted to the Alliance Project Team.
  8. Acknowledge in your thesis the support received from the Monash Warwick Alliance PhD Travel Grant.