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Access and manage EchoVideo content

This guide gives an overview of how to access your EchoVideo content, how the content is organised, how to edit content details and availability, and how to permanently remove content from the system.

In this guide:

Accessing EchoVideo content

We recommend that you access EchoVideo via Moodle. You can get to EchoVideo by clicking on the Lecture Capture block on the right-hand side of a Moodle space where the block has been added.

If you are a staff member, but do not have access to Moodle as an editing teacher or above, then you can use this link to create your Echo360 accountLink opens in a new window.

If you are a member of WBS, you can also click the Lecture Recordings tab in MyWBS.

If you have previously used Universal Capture and created an EchoVideo password, you can log in directlyLink opens in a new window. Click the Courses tab to see the modules you have access to and click the one you want to view.

If your content is not published to any particular module, you will find it in your Library.

Content structure in EchoVideo

Your content in Echo is found in one of two places: your Library or under Courses.


Your media Library holds all of the media you can view outside of a course, so may contain recordings made using Universal Capture or videos you have uploaded from your computer. It contains both media you own as well as any media that another user has shared with you.


In general, courses are named after Warwick modules. This page lists all of the modules which you have been given access to. If you are an editing teacher, course leader or manager on a module space in Moodle and have clicked on the Lecture Capture (EchoVideo) block, you will automatically be given Instructor access in EchoVideo.

We have implemented an additional set of Courses to better meet departmental requirements:

Course ID Course Title Description
Dept-Conferences Conferences, Symposiums & Workshops Recordings of Conferences, Symposiums & Workshops
Dept-Welcome Welcome Week & Induction Sessions Recordings of Welcome Week & Induction Sessions for new students
Dept-Staff Departmental & Staff Meetings Recordings of internal departmental meetings, not student facing.
Dept-Careers Careers & Skills Events Recordings of events aimed at supporting students careers and skills.
Dept-Exams Exams & Project Briefings Recordings of exams and project briefings that fall outside of the module sections
Dept-Teaching Extra-Modular Teaching & Learning Recordings of teaching and learning events that fall outside of the module sections
Dept-PGR PGR Events Recordings of events by and for PGR students
Dept-Gen Department General Recordings of events or sessions that do not fall under any other category

Sections and Terms

Courses are then further split into Sections which are created automatically for all modules running in an academic year, or manually created sections. Each section is linked to a 'term' and this is usually the academic year that the recordings are taking place i.e. 2023/24 etc; but can also be Open (i.e. not tied to a particular academic year). The term controls how long the content will be available for (usually 4 years plus 1 term, approximately).

Academic Departments will therefore have the following approximate structure:

  • English
    • EN101
      • EN101 (2022/23)
      • EN101 (2023/24)
    • EN102
      • EN101 (2022/23)
      • EN101 (2023/24)
    • EN103
      • EN101 (2023/24)
    • EN - Gen
      • Event (Open)
      • Event (2021/22)
      • Event (2023/24)

If you request scheduling using room booking data, then recordings will be placed into the matching Section on Echo i.e. EN101 2023/24 bookings will be placed in EN101 (2023/24) section, and be accessible via the Moodle course for EN101 (2023-24). See Schedule a lecture capture for more information.


Each course/module that you have access to is divided into classes. A class is automatically created when you schedule a lecture capture recording or upload media to a section, but you can also add classes manually (via the New class button).

If media is published to a class, the class has an icon for the type of media it is: video/audio or a presentation (or Interactive Media - media that has embedded polling questions - but this is covered in another guide).

To make captures available or unavailable to the students:

  • If the media button is black, it means the capture is not available to students.
  • If the media button is white, the capture can be accessed by the students, click it to access various options such as View, Details, Edit Details, Edit Transcript, Edit Video Availability Settings, and Download Original. To make the media unavailable, select the Make Unavailable option.

Where either of these media types are missing, they can be added via the pink plus sign icon. See EchoVideo's guide on Adding Media to a Class from the Class List.

To the far right are options to:

  • Edit class - to amend the name, description or date/time
  • Delete class - this deletes all associated content from the class. Content you 'own' will still appear in your Library but it is recommended that you do not delete classes; change the availability of the associated media instead.
Classes can be further classified and grouped into Class Groups to contain classes with similar content. See the EchoVideo guidance on classes.

Making media unavailable or available

For content associated with a course/module, you are able to hide it from students. You can only edit the availability of your audio/video recordings and presentations if you are recognised as an Instructor of the module in EchoVideo.

If you have scheduled lecture capture or are the registered course leader and have lecture captures scheduled for you, the EchoVideo system will recognise you as the owner of this content.

If you are unsure whether you are the owner or if you wish to make changes to content you are not the owner of please contact your departmental Academic Technology team or the central team for further guidance via

  1. From the Moodle module space, click on the Lecture Capture block to open the 'class list' i.e. the list of recordings.
  2. Click on the green/grey media icon (either the video or presentation) and select Make unavailable or Make Available depending on its current state and what you would like it to be.

Automating availability

Note that you can set the availability according to date.

  1. Click on the media icon and select the Availability Settings option. Selecting this will open a pane allowing you to set a date for the media to become available or unavailable.
  2. Tick the On a specific date option to bring up a text field to enter a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Clicking within this text field will also open a calendar allowing you to select a date.
  3. Once you are finished click the Update button to save your changes.

Editing video (or audio) content

You can edit your EchoVideo recordings to remove sections that you may not want to publish, such as confidential information, or trim the start or end of the recordings. Click on the media icon and Edit Video to access this function. See the separate guide Edit EchoVideo recordings.

Deleting media

While you can control the visibility of EchoVideo content, you may prefer to delete it completely. You can delete any media that you have uploaded directly or captured with Universal Capture.

The option to delete any media recorded using the in-room lecture capture service is only available to system administrators. Once deleted, recordings are moved into a 'recycle bin' and can be retrieved if necessary.

Before requesting a deletion you should consider if the removal of this content has the potential to negatively impact another member of the university. Examples of individuals who may be impacted are:

  • Members of staff responsible for delivery of material
  • Students required to resit or request a reasonable adjustment

Please use the Delete lecture capture recording(s) form to request the deletion of 1 recording, all recordings for a module, or some or all of the recordings that you are listed as the presenter for.

You can follow the previous steps to make the content unavailable while your request is being processed.

Reasonable adjustments

It is possible that access to lecture captures may be required for reasonable adjustments so that videos need to be made available to individuals prior to wider release to a cohort. At Warwick, students do not have direct logins to EchoVideo so access to individual recordings must be managed through links and/or Moodle restrictions.

Please see

Direct link

This guide explains how to create a web link to a video that you own:

Once a link to a recording has been made it can be shared via email or pasted into Moodle.

External tool activity

Links to specific recordings can be created manually in EchoVideo, by using the 'external tool' activity, or by embedding them into a label (for example). These are separate to the EchoVideo content block on the right-hand side of a Moodle Page which means content can be kept unavailable/unpublished to the wider module cohort but can still be accessed by anyone with the link or who is added to a specific Moodle Group that makes the link or embedded activity on Moodle visible.

Use the "restrict access" settings to ensure that a particular group can be set to only view these links. Views can be monitored on EchoVideo to check if the link has been shared beyond the Moodle Group.

EchoVideo Collection

EchoVideo collections can be used as another method of sharing material via a unique link but is not appropriate for reasonable adjustments as EchoVideo collections reveal the identity of its membership to all users.

New EchoVideo Section

Finally, it would be possible to reshare recordings to a new section, and that section could be linked to from within Moodle. Please contact for support with this.


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