Add content (artefacts) to a page
Content (or artefacts) can be added from the Create menu or created directly on the page itself. These can be moved around and the layout changed to produce versions tuned to a particular audience.
Add files and images to Mahara
Mahara has a file storage area where you can upload documents and images for use in your portfolio.
Add personal information to your profile
The profile and profile picture are the only content items / artefacts that are shared by default with other Mahara users.
Add personal information using a CV (Résumé)
Add personal information to pages from a personal online CV (Résumé)
Add videos and external media
Add videos and external media from estream and YouTube (for example).
Add written content using text and notes
Text blocks are written content specific to a particular page or portfolio and cannot be reused. Notes are bits and pieces of text that you can re-use from one portfolio page in another without having to copy the entire page.
Comment and peer review in Mahara
Enable 'blind' peer assessment by adding a peer assessment block to a page and sharing it to people as 'peer assessors'. Leave comments on pages and artefacts.
Copy a page or collection
Manually copy a portfolio template to personal pages and collections.
Create a collection of pages
An important element of a portfolio is the ability to draw together (and reuse) pages in collections focusing on the important aspects for your current requirement
Create a group and add members
Create groups so that students can work together using a group homepage with shared pages, collections filespace, and discussion forum.
Create a Mahara assignment in Moodle
Make pages or a collection of pages available for people to copy manually or 'push' them directly into the accounts of people in a group.
Create a page
Pages are created within the Portfolio, Pages and collections section and consist of a selection of artefacts which you arrange and present to others.
Create a page from Tags
Tags are keywords that you can give to artefacts, pages and collections in your portfolio to find them more easily later on.
Create a template for others to work from
Make pages or a collection of pages available for people to copy manually or 'push' them directly into the accounts of people in a group.
Delete a page or collection
Content (or artefacts) can be added from the Create menu or created directly on the page itself. These can be moved around and the layout changed to produce versions tuned to a particular audience.
Edit page layout
Use the layout editor to design your layout using columns and rows.
Export all or part of a portfolio
Export a Mahara portfolio as a HTML page or a Leap2a file.
Introduction to artefacts in Mahara
Content in Mahara refers to reusable elements such as images, files, video, as well as plans (or To Do lists), CPD records and notes created on individual pages. These are referred to as 'artefacts'.
Introduction to Mahara
Mahara, or MyPortfolio, is an online electronic portfolio web application where you can record evidence of lifelong learning.
Log into Mahara
Access or using the same 'single sign on' details as used for other Warwick services such as tabula and sitebuilder.
Manage a Group homepage
Create groups so that students can work together using a group homepage with shared pages, collections filespace, and discussion forum.
Navigate the dashboard
The dashboard is your homepage where you can see your latest activity. It can be customised so that you always see the items that are most important to you. Only you can see your dashboard.
Remove content from a page
Content (or artefacts) can be removed easily from a page using the delete icon.
Report and remove objectionable content
Any offensive or inappropriate material can be reported for review via the edit button in the top right of a page, file, journal or note.
Save a snapshot of work using Timeline
Timeline can be used to take snapshots to show work in progress over time, allowing people to revisit previous versions of their work and reflect on it.
Search for people and content
Find people and search for pages and the content.
Share a group portfolio to group members
Share a group portfolio to group members
Share pages and collections
Share pages and collections with individuals, groups or externals (using a 'Secret URL').
Use journals and journal entries to record development
Use journals and journal entries to record development
Use plans and tasks for organisation
Plans are simple To Do lists. They are particularly well-suited to plan medium and long-term endeavours. A plan can consist of a number of individual activities with which completion dates are associated.
Use Tags in Mahara
Tags are keywords that you can give to artefacts, pages and collections in your portfolio to find them more easily later on.
Work collaboratively using groups
Create groups so that students can work together using a group homepage with shared pages, collections filespace, and discussion forum.