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Save a snapshot of work using Timeline

This guide explains how to save a copy of pages to the Mahara Timeline tool. This process is manual so that small changes are not saved and overload the server. Take a snapshot at regular intervals to make it possible to better reflect on portfolio changes and personal development over time.

Save a snapshot to the Timeline

  1. Click on the main menu icon, expand the Create section, and select Pages and Collections, or click on Create on the Dashboard.
  2. Open the Page to be saved to the timeline.
  3. Click on the menu icon at the top right.
  4. Click on Save to Timeline

View a snapshot on the Timeline

  1. Click on the main menu icon, expand the Create section, and select Pages and Collections, or click on Create on the Dashboard.
  2. Open the Page that was previously saved to the timeline.
  3. Click on the menu icon at the top right.
  4. Click on Timeline to open a visual representation of all the snapshots taken for this page.
  5. Click on one of the dots on the line to view that version of the portfolio.
    • If there are a lot of entries, filter by date
    • If the entries extend over a long period, scroll left and right using the arrows
There is no section that shows all pages which have been saved to the Timeline so this will need to be recorded separately if being used extensively.

The information on this page relates to Mahara 20.04 and was last updated August 2020.


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