Publications which cite archives held at the MRC - 2017
Paul David Blanc, University of California:
Fake Silk: The Lethal History of Viscose Rayon (Yale University Press)
Suan Sheridan Breakwell, University of Oxford:
‘Knowing how to be a Mother’: Parenting, Emotion and Evacuation Propaganda during the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 - chapter in Parenting and the State in Britain and Europe, c. 1870-1950: Raising the Nation, eds. Hester Barron and Claudia Siebrecht (Palgrave Macmillan)
Matthew Broad, University of Turku:
Harold Wilson, Denmark and the making of Labour European policy (Liverpool University Press)
Jodi Burkett (ed.), University of Portsmouth:
Students in Twentieth-Century Britain and Ireland (Palgrave Macmillan)
Paul Caruana Galizia, Humboldt University:
The Economy of Modern Malta: From the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century (Palgrave Macmillan)
Helena Chance, Buckinghamshire New University:
The Factory in a Garden: A History of Corporate Landscapes from the Industrial to the Digital Age (Manchester University Press)
Aled Davies, University of Bristol:
The City of London and Social Democracy: The Political Economy of Finance in Britain, 1959 - 1979 (OUP Oxford)
Janet Douglas and Christian Høgsbjerg (eds.):
British Labour and the Russian Revolution (Spokesman)
John Fisher, Effie G. H. Pedaliu and Richard Smith (eds.):
The Foreign Office, Commerce and British Foreign Policy in the Twentieth Century (Palgrave Macmillan)
Aimée Fox, King's College London:
Learning to Fight: Military Innovation and Change in the British Army, 1914–1918 (Cambridge University Press)
Isabel Gejo-Santos:
Katharine Ramsay: Visión de una parlamentaria escocesa sobre la Guerra Civil española ; De Liverpool a Madrid: Eleanor Florence Rathbone y la Guerra Civil española ; and De Leah Manning a Rosita García Ascot cantar y bailar para vivir. Redes filantrópicas en torno a los niños vascos refugiados en Gran Bretaña (1937-1939) - chapters in Liberales, cultivadas y activas: redes culturales, lazos de amistad, ed. Adelaida Sagarra Gamazo (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca)
George Campbell Gosling, University of Wolverhampton:
Payment and philanthropy in British healthcare, 1918-48 (Manchester University Press)
John A. Hargreaves, Keith Laybourn and Richard Toye (eds.):
Liberal Reform and Industrial Relations: J.H. Whitley (1866-1935), Halifax Radical and Speaker of the House of Commons (Routledge)
Henry Hemming:
M: Maxwell Knight, MI5's Greatest Spymaster (Preface Publishing)
Marie Hicks, Illinois Institute of Technology:
Programmed Inequality: How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and Lost its Edge in Computing (MIT Press)
Claire Hilton:
Improving Psychiatric Care for Older People: Barbara Robb's Campaign 1965-1975 (Palgrave Macmillan)
Neil Johnson:
The Labour Church: The Movement & Its Message (Routledge)
Neville Kirk, Manchester Metropolitan University:
Transnational Radicalism and the Connected Lives of Tom Mann and Robert Samuel Ross (Liverpool University Press)
Keith Laybourn and John Shepherd (eds.):
Labour and Working-Class Lives: Essays to Celebrate the Life and Work of Chris Wrigley (Manchester University Press)
Jon Lawrence, University of Cambridge:
Individualism and community in historical perspective - chapter in Austerity, community action, and the future of citizenship in Europe, eds. Shana Cohen, Jan-Jonathan Bock and Christina Fuhr (Policy Press)
Anne Logan, University of Kent:
The Politics of Penal Reform: Margery Fry and the Howard League (Routledge)
Chi-Kwan Mark, Royal Holloway College, University of London:
Crisis or Opportunity? Britain, China, and the Decolonization of Hong Kong in the Long 1970s - chapter in China, Hong Kong, and the Long 1970s: Global Perspectives, eds. Priscilla Roberts and Odd Arne Westad (Palgrave Macmillan)
Angus McLaren, University of Victoria:
Playboys and Mayfair Men: Crime, Class, Masculinity, and Fascism in 1930s London (Johns Hopkins University Press)
Chris Moores, University of Birmingham:
Civil Liberties and Human Rights in Twentieth-Century Britain (Cambridge University Press)
Kevin Morgan, University of Manchester:
International Communism and the Cult of the Individual: Leaders, Tribunes and Martyrs under Lenin and Stalin (Palgrave Macmillan)
Jonathan Parker and Sara Ashencaen Crabtree, Bournemouth University:
Social Work with Disadvantaged and Marginalised People (Learning Matters)
Paul-André Rosental (ed.):
Silicosis: A World History (Johns Hopkins University Press)
Ryan Shaffer, Stony Brook University, New York:
Music, Youth and International Links in Post-War British Fascism: The Transformation of Extremism (Palgrave Macmillan)
Evan Smith, Flinders University:
British Communism and the Politics of Race (BRILL)
David Swift, Queen Mary University of London:
For Class and Country: The Patriotic Left and the First World War (Liverpool University Press)
Jim Tomlinson, University of Glasgow:
Managing the Economy, Managing the People: Narratives of Economic Life in Britain from Beveridge to Brexit (OUP Oxford)
Laurent Warlouzet, University of Littoral-Côte d’Opale:
Governing Europe in a Globalizing World: Neoliberalism and its Alternatives following the 1973 Oil Crisis (Routledge)
Geoff Whitty and John Furlong (eds.):
Knowledge and the Study of Education: An international exploration (Symposium Books)
Nicholas Barnett, University of Plymouth, and Evan Smith, Flinders University:
‘Peace with a Capital P’: The Spectre of Communism and Competing Notions of ‘Peace’ in Britain, 1949–1960 (Labour History Review, vol.82, no.1)
Roberta Bivins, University of Warwick:
Picturing Race in the British National Health Service, 1948-1988 (Twentieth Century British History)
Matheus Cardoso da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo:
Ecos da Guerra Civil espanhola na Grã-Bretanha através das publicações do Left Book Club (Topoi (Rio J.) vol.18 no.36)
Mick Carpenter, University of Warwick, and Ben Kyneswood, Coventry University:
From self-help to class struggle: revisiting Coventry Community Development Project's 1970s journey of discovery (Community Development Journal, vol.52, issue 2)
Kim Christiaens, KADOC-KU, Leuven:
‘Communists are no Beasts’: European Solidarity Campaigns on Behalf of Democracy and Human Rights in Greece and East–West Détente in the 1960s and early 1970s (Contemporary European History, vol. 26, issue 4)
Jack Copley, University of Warwick:
Financial Deregulation and the Role of Statecraft: Lessons from Britain’s 1971 Competition and Credit Control Measures (New Political Economy)
Stephen Dippnall, University of Central Lancashire:
Hating America? Great Britain and the execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (Cold War History)
Ryan C. Edwards, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga:
Convicts and conservation: Inmate labor, fires and forestry in southernmost Argentina (Journal of Historical Geography, vol.56)
Robert Fitzgerald, Royal Holloway, University of London:
International Business and the Development of British Electrical Manufacturing, 1886–1929 (Business History Review, vol.91, issue 1)
Whyeda Gill-McLure, University of Wolverhampton:
Adaptation, evolution and survival? The political economy of Whitleyism and public service industrial relations in the U.K. 1917–present (Labor History, vol.59, issue 1)
George Campbell Gosling, University of Wolverhampton:
Gender, money and professional identity: medical social work and the coming of the British National Health Service (Women's History Review)
Tobias Harper, Providence College, Rhode Island:
The Order of the British Empire after the British Empire (Canadian Journal of History, vol.52, no.3)
Jonathan Hyslop, University of Pretoria:
Southampton to Durban on the Union Castle Line: An Imperial Shipping Company and the limits of globality c. 1900–39 (The Journal of Transport History)
Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, University of Edinburgh:
The sensitivity of SIGINT: Sir Alfred Ewing’s lecture on room 40 in 1927 (Journal of Intelligence History)
Hannah Jobling, Ian Shaw, Ik Hyun Jang, Sarah Czarnecki and Ann Ramatowski, University of York and University of St Louis:
A Case Study of Applied Scholarship: The British Journal of Social Work 1971–2013 (The British Journal of Social Work, vol. 47, issue 8)
Anthony Keating, Edge Hill University:
Saving Tammoland: a microhistory of children’s action to save a wasteground playground, 1965–1968 (International Journal of Play, vol.6, issue 2)
Diarmaid Kelliher, University of Glasgow:
Contested Spaces: London and the 1984–5 Miners’ Strike (Twentieth Century British History)
Matthew Kidd, University of Nottingham:
Class without Conflict: Popular Political Continuity in Late Victorian Bristol, 1867–1900 (Labour History Review, vol.82, issue 2)
Dieter Krohn:
The Society for the Furtherance of the Critical Philosophy (SFCP): A Foundation of German Female Refugees and their British Comrades in 1940 (Yearbook of the Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies)
Catherine Lee, Open University:
‘Giddy Girls’, ‘Scandalous Statements’ and a ‘Burst Bubble’: the war babies panic of 1914–1915 (Women's History Review)
Marc Lenormand, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3:
L’« hiver du mécontentement » de 1978-1979 : du mythe politique à la crise interne du mouvement travailliste (Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique)
Jennifer Luff, University of Durham:
Covert and Overt Operations: Interwar Political Policing in the United States and the United Kingdom (The American Historical Review, vol.122, issue 3)
David Malcolm, National Union of Students:
A curious courage: the origins of gay rights campaigning in the National Union of Students (History of Education)
Keith McLoughlin, University of Exeter:
Socially useful production in the defence industry: the Lucas Aerospace combine committee and the Labour government, 1974–1979 (Contemporary British History)
Helen Mercer, Greenwich University:
The making of the modern retail market: economic theory, business interests and economic policy in the passage of the 1964 Resale Prices Act (Business History)
Duncan Money, University of the Free State:
Trouble in paradise: The 1958 white mineworkers’ strike on the Zambian Copperbelt (The Extractive Industries and Society)
Ray Physick, University of Central Lancashire:
The Olimpiada Popular: Barcelona 1936, Sport and Politics in an Age of War, Dictatorship and Revolution (Sport in History, vol.37, issue 1)
Peter M. Scott and James T. Walker, Henley Business School, University of Reading:
The impact of ‘stop-go’ demand management policy on Britain's consumer durables industries, 1952–65 (The Economic History Review)
Ian F. Shaw, University of York and National University of Singapore:
The craft of journal practice (Qualitative Social Work)
Paul Smith, Keele University:
The Law behind the Law: Rookes v. Barnard [1964], the Common Law and the Right to Strike (Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, vol.38)
Greig Taylor, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Vietnam:
From ‘unofficial militants’ to de facto joint workplace control: the development of the shop steward system at the port of Liverpool, 1967–1972 (Labor History)
Jeremy Tranmer, Université de Lorraine:
Political Commitment of a New Type? Red Wedge and the Labour Party in the 1980s (Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique , XXII-3 2017)