Publications which cite archives held at the MRC - 2018
Paul Aichroth:
A Brief History of Westminster Hospital: Tercentenery 1719-2019 (CW+)
Paddy Ashdown:
Nein!: Standing up to Hitler 1935–1944 (William Collins)
Emmanuelle Avril and Yann Béliard, eds.:
Labour United and Divided from the 1830s to the Present (Manchester University Press)
Jordanna Bailkin, University of Washington:
Unsettled: Refugee Camps and the Making of Multicultural Britain (OUP Oxford)
Sebastian Browne, Canterbury Christ Church University:
Medicine and Conflict: The Spanish Civil War and its Traumatic Legacy (Routledge)
Anthony Carew, University of Manchester:
American Labour's Cold War Abroad: From Deep Freeze to Détente, 1945-1970 (Athabasca University Press)
Jenny Crane, University of Warwick:
Child Protection in England, 1960-2000: Expertise, Experience, and Emotion (Palgrave Macmillan)
Tricia Dawson, Keele University:
Gender, Class and Power: An Analysis of Pay Inequalities in the Workplace (Palgrave Macmillan)
Danny Evans, University of Leeds:
Revolution and the State: Anarchism in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 (Routledge)
Elizabeth F. Evans, University of Notre Dame, Indiana:
Threshold Modernism: New Public Women and the Literary Spaces of Imperial London (Cambridge University Press)
Alistair Fair, University of Edinburgh:
Modern Playhouses: An Architectural History of Britain's New Theatres, 1945-1985 (OUP Oxford)
Alison S. Fell, University of Leeds:
Women as Veterans in Britain and France after the First World War (Cambridge University Press)
David M. Higgins, Newcastle University:
Brands, Geographical Origin, and the Global Economy: A History from the Nineteenth Century to the Present (Cambridge University Press)
Rose Holmes:
“Make the Situation Real to Us without Stressing the Horrors”: Children, Photography and Humanitarianism in the Spanish Civil War, chapter in Humanitarianism and Media: 1900 to the Present, ed. Johannes Paulmann
Arne Hordt:
Kumpel, Kohle Und Krawall: Miners' Strike Und Rheinhausen als Aufruhr in Der Montanregion (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht)
Joan B. Huffman:
Lady Frances: Frances Balfour, Aristocrat Suffragist (Matador)
Richard Jobson, University of Oxford:
Nostalgia and the post-war Labour Party: Prisoners of the past (Manchester University Press)
Angela V. John, Swansea University:
Rocking the Boat: Welsh women who championed equality, 1840-1990 (Parthian Books)
John Kelly, Birkbeck College, University of London:
Contemporary Trotskyism: Parties, Sects and Social Movements in Britain (Routledge)
Andrew Brower Latz:
The Social Philosophy of Gillian Rose (Cascade Books)
Thomas Linehan, Brunel University:
Scabs and Traitors: Taboo, Violence and Punishment in Labour Disputes in Britain, 1760-1871 (Routledge)
A.Z. McKenna:
100 Years of Government Communication (HM Government)
Christopher Miller, University of Glasgow:
Planning and Profits: British Naval Armaments Manufacture and the Military Industrial Complex, 1918-1941 (Liverpool University Press)
Julia Moses, University of Sheffield:
The First Modern Risk: Workplace Accidents and the Origins of European Social States (Cambridge University Press)
Ann Oakley, University College London:
Women, peace and welfare: A suppressed history of social reform, 1880-1920 (Policy Press)
Quentin Outram and Keith Laybourn (eds.):
Secular Martyrdom in Britain and Ireland: From Peterloo to the Present (Palgrave Macmillan)
Gianetta Rands (ed.):
Women's Voices in Psychiatry: A Collection of Essays (Oxford University Press)
Aditya Sarkar, University of Warwick:
Trouble at the Mill: Factory Law and the Emergence of the Labour Question in Late Nineteenth-Century Bombay (OUP India)
Robert Saunders, Queen Mary University of London:
Yes to Europe!: The 1975 Referendum and Seventies Britain (Cambridge University Press)
David Thackeray, Andrew Thompson and Richard Toye (eds.):
Imagining Britain's Economic Future, c.1800-1975: Trade, Consumerism, and Global Markets (Palgrave Macmillan)
Michael Tichelar, University of the West of England:
The Failure of Land Reform in Twentieth-Century England: The Triumph of Private Property (Routledge)
Antonio E. Weiss:
Management Consultancy and the British State: A Historical Analysis Since 1960 (Palgrave Macmillan)
Edward Anderson, University of Cambridge, and Patrick Clibbens, University of Oxford:
‘Smugglers of Truth’: The Indian diaspora, Hindu nationalism, and the Emergency (1975–77) (Modern Asian Studies)
Gordon Barrett, University of Oxford:
China's “People's Diplomacy” and the Pugwash Conferences, 1957–1964 (Journal of Cold War Studies)
Angela Bartie, Linda Fleming, Mark Freeman, Tom Hulme, Alexander Hutton and Paul Readman:
‘History taught in the pageant way’: education and historical performance in twentieth-century Britain (History of Education)
Matthew Broad:
Ignoring Europe? Reassessing the British Labour Party’s Policy towards European Integration, 1951-60 (Journal of European Integration History)
Phoebe Brown:
‘Othering’ and the Persistence of Imperial Attitudes: Media Representations of Ethnicity, Gender and Class in the Grunwick Dispute (Midlands Historical Review)
Katherine Bruce-Lockhart, University of Cambridge:
The Archival Afterlives of Prison Officers in Idi Amin’s Uganda: Writing Social Histories of the Postcolonial State (History in Africa)
Stefanie Börner, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, and Monika Eigmüller, Europa-Universitaet Flensburg:
Social security in Europe. Towards a diachronic perspective for analysing social policy rescaling (Culture, Practice & Europeanization, vol. 3, no. 1)
Andrew Burchell, University of Warwick:
In Loco Parentis, Corporal Punishment and the Moral Economy of Discipline in English Schools, 1945–1986 (The Journal of the Social History Society)
Mike Burt:
The ‘Younghusband Report’ Recommendation of Two-Year Training Courses and the Development of Social Work (Practice)
Eve Colpus, University of Southampton:
Women, Service and Self-actualization in Inter-War Britain (Past and Present, vol.238, issue 1)
Jennifer Crane, University of Warwick:
Why the History of Public Consultation Matters for Contemporary Health Policy (Endeavour)
‘Save our NHS’: activism, information-based expertise and the ‘new times’ of the 1980s (Contemporary British History)
Lucy Delap, University of Cambridge:
“Disgusting Details Which Are Best Forgotten”: Disclosures of Child Sexual Abuse in Twentieth-Century Britain (Journal of British Studies, vol.57, no.1)
Feminism, Masculinities and Emotional Politics in Late Twentieth Century Britain (Cultural and Social History)
Pilar Domínguez Prats, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria:
El papel de las mujeres socialistas en los organismos internacionales durante los años treinta (Hispania, vol. LXXVIII, no.259)
Tom Ellis, University of Portsmouth, and Akira Kyo, Kwansei Gakuin University:
Youth Justice in England & Wales: Past, Present & Future (Ryukoku Corrections and Rehabilitation Center Journal, no.8 2018)
David Featherstone, University of Glasgow:
Politicizing In/Security, Transnational Resistance, and the 1919 Riots in Cardiff and Liverpool (Small Axe, vol.22, no.3 (57))
A. Fedorov:
NKVD in the Spanish Civil War (Latin American Historical Almanac, no. 20)
Mark D. Harmon, University of Tennessee, Knoxville:
A war of words: the British Gazette and British Worker during the 1926 General Strike (Labor History)
Louise Hide, Birkbeck, University of London:
In Plain Sight: Open Doors, Mixed-sex Wards and Sexual Abuse in English Psychiatric Hospitals, 1950s—Early 1990s (Social History of Medicine)
Jonathan Hyslop, Colgate University and the University of Pretoria:
German seafarers, anti‐fascism and the anti‐Stalinist left: the ‘Antwerp Group’ and Edo Fimmen's International Transport Workers' Federation, 1933–40 (Global Networks)
M. Gómez León and H. J. de Jong, University of Groningen:
Inequality in turbulent times: income distribution in Germany and Britain, 1900–50 (The Economic History Review)
Vicky Long and Victoria Brown:
Conceptualizing work-related mental distress in the British coalfields (c.1900–1950) (Palgrave Communications volume 4)
Gary McCulloch, UCL:
Educational research: Which way now? (British Educational Research Journal, vol.44, no.2)
Elisabetta Mori, Middlesex University:
LEO, Olivetti e i primi computer commerciali in Europa: un'occasione perduta? (Mondo Digitale, Oct. 2018)
Anna Muggeridge, University of Worcester:
The Missing Two Million: The Exclusion of Working-class Women from the 1918 Representation of the People Act (Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique, XXIII-1)
Grant Olwage, Wits University:
Paul Robeson's Microphone Voice and the Technologies of Easy Singing (Technology and Culture, vol.59, no.4)
Richard Overy, University of Exeter:
The bombing of British cities in the Second World War (Storia Urbana, no.158)
Linda Palfreeman, University of Cardenal Herrera, Elche:
Fernanda Jacobsen and the Scottish Ambulance Unit during the Spanish Civil War (1936–39) (International Journal of Iberian Studies, vol.31, no.3)
David Paulson, University of Cambridge:
The professionalisation of selling and the transformation of a family business: Kenrick & Jefferson, 1878–1940 (Business History)
Jonathan Roscoe, Oxford Brookes University:
‘The age of shouting had arrived’: Victor Gollancz, Stanley Morison, and the reimagining of marketing at Victor Gollancz, Ltd and the Left Book Club (Oxford Brookes University)
David S. Rowbottom:
A Contribution to the History of the National Union of Public Employees: A View from Cumbria, 1969–1979 (Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, vol.39)
Dan Alexandru Savoaia:
Human Rights and Independent Trade Unionism in Late 1970's Romania: The Case of SLOMR (Anuarul Institutului de Istorie »A.D. Xenopol«)
Peter Sloman, Churchill College, Cambridge:
Redistribution in an Age of Neoliberalism: Market Economics, ‘Poverty Knowledge’, and the Growth of Working-Age Benefits in Britain, c. 1979–2010 (Political Studies)
Pere Soler Paricio:
L’État irlandais et les aides humanitaires destinées au peuple espagnol durant la guerre civile espagnole (Études Irlandaises)
Jo Stanley, Liverpool John Moores University:
Black Salt: Britain’s black sailors (International Journal of Maritime History)
Stephanie Ward, Cardiff University:
Labour Activism and the Political Self in Inter-War Working-Class Women’s Politics (Twentieth Century British History)
Andrew Waterman, University of Portsmouth:
The Limits of Embedded Liberalism: TUC Strategies to Influence the Multi-Fibre Arrangement and the GATT Social Clause, 1973–1994 (Labour History Review, vol.83, issue 2)
Exhibitions / workshops
The Production of Truth, Justice and History, Tate Modern workshops, June 2018