The Federation collects information on international developments in transport to inform policy and provide advice to affiliated unions. The archive includes a vast number of correspondence and subject files on a range of issues, from health and welfare to hijacking and piracy, in addition to files on individual countries. These include correspondence, press cuttings, reports and other relevant information giving an insight into labour and trade unionism across the world in the second half of the 20th century. The collection also includes records relating to ITF-led surveys, missions and international training and education programmes.
Copy of the cover of a leaflet ‘Ca’ Canny’, 1896
The leaflet propagates the general policy of the International Federation of Ship, Dock and River Workers; to make the amount of work performed dependant on the level of pay received.
File reference MSS.159/12/9.
First page of an ITF report on trade unionism in Ethiopia, 1964
The report details the state of trade unionism in various transport sectors and forms part of a general correspondence / subject file compiled on Ethiopia.
File reference MSS.648/GS/2/47/1.
Civil Aviation Section circulars, 1970 and 1977
Circulars relating to the ITF’s attempts to pressure governments and global civil aviation authorities to improve on the lax and sometimes non-existent aviation security measures of the 1970s, part of a subject file on hijacking and security. Calls for action were made following a spate of aviation disasters and in the context of the increasing threat of hijacking and terrorism.
File reference MSS.648/CA/2/2/1.
Survey of Dockers’ Working Conditions, 1990
One of a series of surveys on working conditions in the various industrial sections, regularly compiled by the ITF.
Document reference MSS.648/DK/4/5.
Copy of an ITF circular on AIDS, 1995
The circular details plans for an information campaign on AIDS and the gathering of information on local and national awareness initiatives.
Included in a file of letters and information on AIDS and HIV, file reference MSS.648/SF/2/2/94/4.