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Online Exhibition

If you didn't make it to our 50th anniversary exhibition in person - or if you want to relive it - you can see all the objects (and some extra ones) here!

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You can download a printable version of the exhibition catalogue here.

Ref No: uncatalogued

Nominated by: The Rt Hon. The Baroness Ashton of Upholland, Cathy Ashton (University Chancellor)

This Grant of Arms may seem out of place in a repository which deals with modern records and the modern world but it is a reminder that some forms of record-keeping do not change over the centuries. Its purpose is simple: to provide official proof of the institution’s unique coat of arms which can then be produced for anyone who may wish to see it - hence the type of legal document used (a declaration issued on behalf of the reigning monarch) and its general form of address (‘To all and singular to whom these presents shall come’). What is so striking about Warwick’s coat of arms is the emphasis on science, discovery and progress. It is as though Warwick was granted an up-to-date version of heraldry befitting of a new, forward-looking university established in the twentieth century.


The MRC’s 50th anniversary has been a team effort not just from everyone who works at the MRC, but also our colleagues in the Library and in the wider Warwick community. First thanks therefore go to everyone at the MRC (see team photos), who have all contributed so much in terms of archival knowledge, specialist skills, good humour, patience and forbearance, and enthusiasm and passion.

With regards to this exhibition, we are particularly indebted to the suggestions for objects we received from students, researchers, university staff, depositors, and visitors to the MRC; without these, there would be no exhibition. It is always hard to ensure everybody who deserves a thank you gets one, but as regards the exhibition particular thanks (in no particular order) should go to: Anna O'Neill and Karen Jackson from the Library for providing institutional support for the 50th; Samantha Platts and Hannah O'Brien for their help with communications and marketing; and Matt Eastwood and the team at Jade design agency, for the wonderful catalogue design and 50th anniversary graphics.

Looking at the wider range of events we have held as part of the 50th, we extend thanks to: the Marx Memorial Library and the South Wales Miners Library for the joint anniversary seminar in July; to Karen Aspin for helping organise the Heritage Open Days; to Bron and Pav for helping with media coverage; to our speakers, panel chairs, caterers, and helpers for the celebratory symposium; and to Gaz Johnson, Hannah (again!), and Emil Rybczak for the special issue of Exchanges which will come out in 2024 to round off our celebrations.